Partner Webhooks

Webhooks related to partner data

Partner webhooks are fired whenever partners are created or updated.

Partner Created

This is only fired when a partner is created at a top level. Creating a new partner user for an existing partner for example will not cause this webhook to fire.

The payload included in the Partner Created webhook is the same one you would receive by making a request to the Find Affiliate By ID endpoint using both the users and billing relationships.

Note that this webhook will not fire when a partner signs up. See the “Partner Signed Up” webhook below.

The payload of the webhook, when using the POST option will look like so :


    "network_affiliate_id": 20138,
    "network_id": 1,
    "name": "Partner Name",
    "account_status": "active",
    "network_employee_id": 10,
    "internal_notes": "Internal Notes",
    "has_notifications": true,
    "network_traffic_source_id": 38,
    "account_executive_id": 39,
    "adress_id": 83932,
    "default_currency_id": "USD",
    "is_contact_address_enabled": true,
    "enable_media_cost_tracking_links": false,
    "time_created": 1609459200,
    "time_saved": 1609459200,
    "relationship": {
        "labels": {
            "total": 2,
            "entries": [
        "users": {
            "total": 1,
            "entries": [
                    "network_affiliate_user_id": 342,
                    "network_id": 1,
                    "network_affiliate_id": 20138,
                    "first_name": "Partner",
                    "last_name": "User",
                    "email": "",
                    "title": "title",
                    "work_phone": "1234567890",
                    "cell_phone": "1234567890",
                    "instant_messaging_id": 0,
                    "instant_messaging_identifier": "",
                    "language_id": 1,
                    "timezone_id": 80,
                    "currency_id": "USD",
                    "account_status": "active",
                    "time_created": 1609459200,
                    "time_saved": 1609459200
        "account_manager": {
            "first_name": "John",
            "last_name": "Doe",
            "email": "",
            "work_phone": "",
            "cell_phone": "",
            "instant_messaging_id": 0,
            "instant_messaging_identifier": ""
        "account_executive": {
            "network_employee_id": 39,
            "network_id": 1,
            "first_name": "Jane",
            "last_name": "Doe",
            "full_name": "Jane Doe",
            "account_status": "inactive"
        "contact_address": {
            "address_id": 83932,
            "network_id": 1,
            "address_1": "4115 Saint-Laurent",
            "address_2": "Suite 202",
            "city": "Montreal",
            "region_code": "QC",
            "country_id": 36,
            "country_code": "CA",
            "zip_postal_code": "H2W 1Y8"
        "encoded_value": "25M87N33",
        "billing": {
            "network_id": 1,
            "network_affiliate_id": 20138,
            "billing_frequency": "bimonthly",
            "payment_type": "paypal",
            "invoice_amount_threshold": 100,
            "tax_id": "TAX_ID_123",
            "is_invoice_creation_auto": true,
            "auto_invoice_start_date": "2020-07-01 00:00:00",
            "default_invoice_is_hidden": false,
            "invoice_generation_days_delay": 10,
            "default_payment_terms": 30,
            "relationship": {
                "paypal_billing": {
                    "paypal_reception_method": "email",
                    "reception_identifier": ""
                "bimonthly": {
                    "day_of_month_one": 4,
                    "day_of_month_two": 17
        "network_affiliate_tier_id": 6,
        "ios_app_sources": {
            "total": 0,
            "entries": []
    "referrer_id": 36

Partner Updated

This is only fired when the partner itself is updated. For example it will be fired when :

  • The account manager of the partner is changed to a different one
  • The partner’s address is updated
  • The partner’s billing settings are modified

It will not be fired when :

  • Visibility is granted to the partner over a private offer
  • A new postback is created for the partner
  • A partner user is created or updated

The payload included in the Partner Updated webhook is the same one you would receive by making a request to the Find Affiliate By ID endpoint using both the users and billing relationships.

The payload of the webhook, when using the POST option will look like so :


    "network_affiliate_id": 20138,
    "network_id": 1,
    "name": "Updated Partner Name",
    "account_status": "active",
    "network_employee_id": 10,
    "internal_notes": "Internal Notes",
    "has_notifications": true,
    "network_traffic_source_id": 38,
    "account_executive_id": 39,
    "adress_id": 83932,
    "default_currency_id": "USD",
    "is_contact_address_enabled": true,
    "enable_media_cost_tracking_links": false,
    "time_created": 1609459200,
    "time_saved": 1609459300,
    "relationship": {
        "labels": {
            "total": 2,
            "entries": [
        "users": {
            "total": 1,
            "entries": [
                    "network_affiliate_user_id": 342,
                    "network_id": 1,
                    "network_affiliate_id": 20138,
                    "first_name": "Partner",
                    "last_name": "User",
                    "email": "",
                    "title": "title",
                    "work_phone": "1234567890",
                    "cell_phone": "1234567890",
                    "instant_messaging_id": 0,
                    "instant_messaging_identifier": "",
                    "language_id": 1,
                    "timezone_id": 80,
                    "currency_id": "USD",
                    "account_status": "active",
                    "time_created": 1609459200,
                    "time_saved": 1609459245
        "account_manager": {
            "first_name": "John",
            "last_name": "Doe",
            "email": "",
            "work_phone": "",
            "cell_phone": "",
            "instant_messaging_id": 0,
            "instant_messaging_identifier": ""
        "account_executive": {
            "network_employee_id": 39,
            "network_id": 1,
            "first_name": "Jane",
            "last_name": "Doe",
            "full_name": "Jane Doe",
            "account_status": "inactive"
        "contact_address": {
            "address_id": 83932,
            "network_id": 1,
            "address_1": "4115 Saint-Laurent",
            "address_2": "Suite 202",
            "city": "Montreal",
            "region_code": "QC",
            "country_id": 36,
            "country_code": "CA",
            "zip_postal_code": "H2W 1Y8"
        "encoded_value": "25M87N33",
        "billing": {
            "network_id": 1,
            "network_affiliate_id": 20138,
            "billing_frequency": "bimonthly",
            "payment_type": "paypal",
            "invoice_amount_threshold": 100,
            "tax_id": "TAX_ID_123",
            "is_invoice_creation_auto": true,
            "auto_invoice_start_date": "2020-07-01 00:00:00",
            "default_invoice_is_hidden": false,
            "invoice_generation_days_delay": 10,
            "default_payment_terms": 30,
            "relationship": {
                "paypal_billing": {
                    "paypal_reception_method": "email",
                    "reception_identifier": ""
                "bimonthly": {
                    "day_of_month_one": 4,
                    "day_of_month_two": 17
        "network_affiliate_tier_id": 6,
        "ios_app_sources": {
            "total": 0,
            "entries": []
    "referrer_id": 36

Partner Signed Up

This is only fired when the partner signs up themself using the partner signup form. Please note that if you enabled email verification for partner signups (Control Center > Configuration > General Tab > Global Settings > Enable Partner Email Verification), the webhook will only fire AFTER the email has been verified.

This webhook will not fire when the partner is created manually inside the Everflow UI.

The payload included in the Partner Signed Up webhook is the same one you would receive by making a request to the Find Affiliate By ID endpoint using the users, billing and signup relationships.

The payload of the webhook, when using the POST option will look like so :


    "network_affiliate_id": 20404,
    "network_id": 1,
    "name": "Example Company",
    "account_status": "pending",
    "network_employee_id": 266,
    "internal_notes": "",
    "has_notifications": true,
    "network_traffic_source_id": 0,
    "account_executive_id": 0,
    "adress_id": 84232,
    "default_currency_id": "USD",
    "is_contact_address_enabled": true,
    "enable_media_cost_tracking_links": true,
    "time_created": 1654807370,
    "time_saved": 1654807370,
            "total": 0,
            "total": 1,
                    "network_affiliate_user_id": 609,
                    "network_id": 1,
                    "network_affiliate_id": 20404,
                    "first_name": "Partner",
                    "last_name": "Signup",
                    "email": "",
                    "title": "",
                    "work_phone": "",
                    "cell_phone": "",
                    "instant_messaging_id": 0,
                    "instant_messaging_identifier": "",
                    "language_id": 1,
                    "timezone_id": 80,
                    "currency_id": "USD",
                    "account_status": "active",
                    "time_created": 1654807370,
                    "time_saved": 1654807370
            "first_name": "Network",
            "last_name": "Employee",
            "email": "",
            "work_phone": "",
            "cell_phone": "",
            "instant_messaging_id": 0,
            "instant_messaging_identifier": ""
            "network_affiliate_id": 20404,
            "network_advertiser_id": 0,
            "website_url": "",
            "referral_code": "",
            "advertise_method": "",
            "heard_about_us": "",
            "user_ip": "",
            "user_agent": "Mozilla/5.0 (Macintosh; Intel Mac OS X 10_15_7) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/102.0.5005.61 Safari/537.36",
            "phone": "",
            "tax_id": "VAT Number",
            "legal_type": "unknown",
            "first_name": "Partner",
            "last_name": "Signup",
            "email": "",
            "time_created": 1654807275,
                    "address_id": 84233,
                    "network_id": 1,
                    "address_1": "7512 Chateaubriand",
                    "address_2": "",
                    "city": "Montreal",
                    "region_code": "QC",
                    "country_id": 36,
                    "country_code": "CA",
                    "zip_postal_code": "H2R 2L1"
                    "network_id": 1,
                    "network_affiliate_id": 20404,
                    "billing_frequency": "bimonthly",
                    "payment_type": "check",
                    "invoice_amount_threshold": 101,
                    "tax_id": "VAT Number",
                    "is_invoice_creation_auto": true,
                    "auto_invoice_start_date": "2022-06-09 20:41:15",
                    "default_invoice_is_hidden": false,
                    "invoice_generation_days_delay": 0,
                    "default_payment_terms": 15,
                    "is_automated_payment_enabled": false,
                            "recipient_name": "John Doe"
                            "day_of_month_one": 1,
                            "day_of_month_two": 10
                        "network_id": 5,
                        "network_affiliate_id": 20404,
                        "promotional_method": "affiliate",
                        "property_type": "website",
                        "property_type_url": "",
            "network_advertiser_full_name": ""
            "address_id": 84232,
            "network_id": 1,
            "address_1": "7512 Chateaubriand",
            "address_2": "",
            "city": "Montreal",
            "region_code": "QC",
            "country_id": 36,
            "country_code": "CA",
            "zip_postal_code": "H2R 2L1"
        "encoded_value": "263BCH8K",
            "network_id": 1,
            "network_affiliate_id": 20404,
            "billing_frequency": "bimonthly",
            "payment_type": "check",
            "invoice_amount_threshold": 101,
            "tax_id": "VAT Number",
            "is_invoice_creation_auto": true,
            "auto_invoice_start_date": "2022-06-09 20:41:15",
            "default_invoice_is_hidden": false,
            "invoice_generation_days_delay": 0,
            "default_payment_terms": 15,
            "is_automated_payment_enabled": false,
                    "recipient_name": "John Doe"
                    "day_of_month_one": 1,
                    "day_of_month_two": 10
        "network_affiliate_tier_id": 28,
            "total": 0,
    "referrer_id": 0

Partner Sign Up Verdict

After a partner signs themselves up using the partner signup form, someone from the network must make a decision (approve or reject the partner). This webhook will fire when that decision occurs.

Note that whenever this webhook fires, the "Partner Updated" webhook documented above will also fire. This webhook is a more minimal version that only fires when that decision is made.

The payload of the webhook, when using the POST option will look like so :


The new_status will be : active or inactive depending on whether the partner was approved or rejected.

The network employee who made the decision is the one referenced in the payload.

    "network_id": 1,
    "network_affiliate_id": 37,
    "network_affiliate_name": "John Doe",
    "new_status": "inactive",
    "employee_id": 1,
    "employee_full_name": "Peter Johnson",
    "timestamp": 1718918402