Conversion Updates

Operations to update existing conversions

While conversions are mostly immutable in Everflow, there are a few properties that can be updated. They are :

  • The status of the conversion (approved, rejected, etc.)
  • The payout and revenue associated with a conversion
  • The sale amount associated with a conversion

All other properties (query parameters like adv1, adv2, etc.) cannot be modified after the creation of the conversion.

Note that updating the conversion will create an entry in the conversion history.

Update Conversion Status

PATCH /v1/networks/reporting/conversions

This endpoint allows you to modify the status of multiple conversions at the same time.

There are 4 possible status to Everflow conversions :

  • approved
  • rejected
  • pending
  • invalid

but a conversion cannot be updated to the pending or invalid status. Only approved and rejected are accepted values on this endpoint.

Note that the endpoint is asynchronous. Even when the endpoint returns true immediately, it may take up to a few seconds for the conversion updates to be processed (and to fire partner pixels if appropriate). Though this is a rare occurence, the endpoint may return true even if the update ultimately fails when it is processed.

Body Param

conversion_ids string array

Conversion IDs of the conversions to be updated.

conversion_status string

New status of the conversion. Must be approved or rejected

Body Example

    "conversion_ids": [
    "conversion_status": "rejected"

curl --request PATCH '' \
--header 'X-Eflow-API-Key: <INSERT API KEY>' \
--header 'Content-Type: application/json' \

Example : Setting a single conversion as rejected

	"conversion_ids": [
	"conversion_status": "approved"
  "result": true

Update Conversion Status by Transaction ID

PATCH /v1/networks/reporting/conversions/:transactionId

This endpoint allows you to modify the status of all conversions / events linked to a single transaction ID.

There are 4 possible status to Everflow conversions :

  • approved
  • rejected
  • pending
  • invalid

but a conversion cannot be updated to the pending or invalid status. Only approved and rejected are accepted values on this endpoint.

Note that the endpoint is asynchronous. Even when the endpoint returns true immediately, it may take up to a few seconds for the conversion updates to be processed (and to fire partner pixels if appropriate). Though this is a rare occurence, the endpoint may return true even if the update ultimately fails when it is processed.

Conversions that are invalid will be ignored on this endpoint. Only approved, rejected and pending conversions will be updated.

Body Param

conversion_status string

New status of the conversion. Must be approved or rejected

Body Example

    "conversion_status": "rejected"

curl --request PATCH '' \
--header 'X-Eflow-API-Key: <INSERT API KEY>' \
--header 'Content-Type: application/json' \

Example : Setting all the conversions linked to a transaction ID as approved

    "conversion_status": "approved"
  "result": true

Update Conversion Payout and Revenue

PUT /v1/networks/reporting/conversions/:conversionId/payoutrevenue

This endpoint allows you to update the payout and revenue amounts associated with a conversion. Note that only approved conversions (or throttled conversions) can be updated through this endpoint.

Note that these amounts be only be absolute values. Even if the offer is setup as RPS with 20% revenue for example, it cannot be updated to 25% revenue - it must be updated to e.g. 5.75.

This endpoint also doesn’t take a currency. The currency of the offer will be used.

Note that the endpoint is asynchronous. Even when the endpoint returns true immediately, it may take up to a few seconds for the conversion update to be processed.

Path Parameters

Parameter Description
conversionId The ID of the conversion that must be updated

payout decimal

The amount of the partner payout.

revenue decimal

The amount of the revenue.

curl --request PUT '' \
--header 'X-Eflow-API-Key: <INSERT API KEY>' \
--header 'Content-Type: application/json' \
--data '{
    "payout": 4.25,
    "revenue": 5
  "result": true

Update Conversion Sale Amount

PUT /v1/networks/reporting/conversions/:conversionId/saleamount

This endpoint allows you to update the sale amount associated with a conversion.

Note that this using this endpoint will never affect the value of the payout and revenue amounts. Even in a case where an offer is setup as CPS / RPS, update the sale amount still will not change the payout and revenue.

This endpoint also doesn’t take a currency. The currency of the offer will be used.

Note that the endpoint is asynchronous. Even when the endpoint returns true immediately, it may take up to a few seconds for the conversion update to be processed.

Path Parameters

Parameter Description
conversionId The ID of the conversion that must be updated

sale_amount decimal

The new sale amount associated with the conversion.

curl --request PUT '' \
--header 'X-Eflow-API-Key: <INSERT API KEY>' \
--header 'Content-Type: application/json' \
--data '{
    "sale_amount" : 199.99
  "result": true