

All responses are returned in JSON format as specificed in the Content-Type header.

Conventional HTTP response codes are used by the API to indicate the success or failure of an API request. Codes in the 2xx range indicate success whereas codes in the 4xx or 5xx range indicate failure.

Common Error Codes

Code Description
400 Bad Request : The request could not be handled correctly, usually because of missing or malformed parameters
401 Unauthorized : The request could not be accepted, can be because the API Key is missing from the request
403 Forbidden : An API key was used, but it doesn’t allow access to the resource requested. Can be because the wrong API is being used (e.g. an Affiliate API key used on a Network API endpoint)
404 Not Found : The resource could not be found
429 Too Many Requests : The request could not be served as the API rate limiting restriction was enforced
500 Internal Server Error : Something went wrong on the Everflow end