Raw Impressions Report
Are you looking to fetch all your impressions? If so, the Firehose might be suited for your use case.
Only be available to customers who have the impression package.
This endpoint is used to extract a raw list of impressions. In the result of this request each impression will be one element / row. To avoid extremely slow response times and limit the size of the payload, this endpoint is limited in what it actually returns.
The maximum number of impressions that can be returned by this endpoint is : 10 000. If there are more than 10 000 impressions that match the request, they will not be returned.
Requests are only allowed for a period of 14 days of less. Requesting a longer period will result in an error (400 bad request
While the impressions analytics are kept forever, the raw data used to create the response on this endpoint is only kept for a period of 3 months on the Everflow servers. Requests for time intervals that go beyond that period will not return impressions.
This endpoint should not be used to extract every impression from the platform. Requests to extracts large lists of impressions should be made via the Request Report feature.
Each request must contain :
dates inYYYY-mm-DD HH:MM:SS
used for the request. Find all timezones here
but can also contain optional query filters.
Query Filters
Query filters allow you to limit the scope of the report returned by the API. You could create a filter to limit the reporting data to a single partner for example. You can use multiple filters in a request.
Filters that apply to the same resource_type
will act as OR
operator. Different resource_type
work with an AND
operator. The following filters :
"query": {
"filters": [
"filter_id_value": "883",
"resource_type": "offer"
"filter_id_value": "518",
"resource_type": "offer"
"filter_id_value": "United States",
"resource_type": "country"
translate to “Pull reporting data for US traffic on offer 883 OR offer 518”.
Filter Resource Types
The resource-type
used in the filters and exclusions can take the following values :
, offer_group
, affiliate
, advertiser
, creative
, network
, account_manager
, affiliate_manager
, category
, billing_frequency
, country
, region
, city
, dma
, carrier
, device_platform
, device_type
, device_make
, browser
, language
, connection_type
, campaign
, source_id
, offer_url
, device_model
, business_unit
, label
, sales_manager
, account_executive
, everflow_account_manager
, os_version
, project_id
, isp
, offer_status
, sub1
, sub2
, sub3
, sub4
, sub5
, channel
, coupon_code
, affiliate_tier
Request Example
curl --request POST \
--url https://api.eflow.team/v1/networks/reporting/impressions/stream \
--header 'content-type: application/json' \
--header 'X-Eflow-API-Key: <INSERT API KEY>' \
Example Pull impressions over a 30 minutes period on 2 specific offers
"from": "2022-02-01 12:30:00",
"to": "2022-02-01 13:00:00",
"timezone_id": 90,
"filter_id_value": "882",
"resource_type": "offer"
"filter_id_value": "883",
"resource_type": "offer"