
Operations for offers

Find All Visible

GET /v1/affiliates/alloffers
This endpoint allows you to retrieve a list of all visible offers. This includes public offers and the ones that require your network's approval.

Returns an empty array if no Offers exist or are visible.


This endpoint supports basic filtering. Refer to API filters page for usage.

curl --request GET '' \
--header 'X-Eflow-API-Key: <INSERT API KEY>' \
--header 'content-type: application/json' 
    "offers": [
            "network_offer_id": 1,
            "network_id": 1,
            "name": "Offer Example",
            "thumbnail_url": "",
            "network_category_id": 1,
            "preview_url": "",
            "offer_status": "active",
            "currency_id": "USD",
            "caps_timezone_id": 90,
            "date_live_until": "",
            "html_description": "",
            "is_using_explicit_terms_and_conditions": false,
            "terms_and_conditions": "",
            "is_force_terms_and_conditions": false,
            "visibility": "public",
            "is_caps_enabled": false,
            "is_using_suppression_list": false,
            "suppression_list_id": 0,
            "network_tracking_domain_id": 1,
            "daily_conversion_cap": 0,
            "weekly_conversion_cap": 88,
            "monthly_conversion_cap": 0,
            "global_conversion_cap": 125,
            "daily_payout_cap": 10.3,
            "weekly_payout_cap": 0,
            "monthly_payout_cap": 0,
            "global_payout_cap": 300.5,
            "daily_click_cap": 0,
            "weekly_click_cap": 0,
            "monthly_click_cap": 2500,
            "global_click_cap": 0,
            "tracking_url": "http://www.servetrack.test/9W598/2CTPL/",
            "app_identifier": "",
            "time_created": 1602783082,
            "time_saved": 1602783082,
            "is_description_plain_text": false,
            "is_use_direct_linking": false,
            "relationship": {
                "offer_affiliate_status": "public"
            "impression_tracking_url": ""
    "paging": {
        "page": 1,
        "page_size": 50,
        "total_count": 34

Find All Runnable

GET /v1/affiliates/offersrunnable
This endpoint allows you to retrieve a list of all runnable offers. This includes public offers and the ones that have gotten your network's approval.

Returns an empty array if no Offers exist or are runnable.


This endpoint supports paging. Refer to our User Guide for usage.

curl --request GET '' \
--header 'X-Eflow-API-Key: <INSERT API KEY>' \
--header 'content-type: application/json' 
  "offers": [
          "network_offer_id": 1,
          "network_id": 1,
          "name": "Offer Example",
          "thumbnail_url": "",
          "network_category_id": 1,
          "preview_url": "",
          "offer_status": "active",
          "currency_id": "USD",
          "caps_timezone_id": 90,
          "date_live_until": "",
          "html_description": "",
          "is_using_explicit_terms_and_conditions": false,
          "terms_and_conditions": "",
          "is_force_terms_and_conditions": false,
          "visibility": "public",
          "is_caps_enabled": false,
          "is_using_suppression_list": false,
          "suppression_list_id": 0,
          "network_tracking_domain_id": 1,
          "daily_conversion_cap": 0,
          "weekly_conversion_cap": 88,
          "monthly_conversion_cap": 0,
          "global_conversion_cap": 125,
          "daily_payout_cap": 10.3,
          "weekly_payout_cap": 0,
          "monthly_payout_cap": 0,
          "global_payout_cap": 300.5,
          "daily_click_cap": 0,
          "weekly_click_cap": 0,
          "monthly_click_cap": 2500,
          "global_click_cap": 0,
          "tracking_url": "http://www.servetrack.test/9W598/2CTPL/",
          "app_identifier": "",
          "time_created": 1602783082,
          "time_saved": 1602783082,
          "is_description_plain_text": false,
          "is_use_direct_linking": false,
          "relationship": {
              "category": {
                  "network_category_id": 1,
                  "network_id": 1,
                  "name": "Finance",
                  "status": "active",
                  "time_created": 1602783082,
                  "time_saved": 1602783082
              "creatives": {
                  "total": 1,
                  "entries": [
                          "network_offer_creative_id": 2,
                          "network_id": 1,
                          "network_offer_id": 1,
                          "name": "Creative Example",
                          "creative_type": "image",
                          "is_private": false,
                          "creative_status": "active",
                          "resource_url": "",
                          "html_code": "",
                          "width": 0,
                          "height": 0,
                          "email_from": "",
                          "email_subject": "",
                          "time_created": 1602871237,
                          "time_saved": 1602871239,
                          "additional_offer_ids": null,
                          "is_apply_specific_affiliates": false
              "reporting": {
                  "imp": 0,
                  "total_click": 0,
                  "unique_click": 0,
                  "invalid_click": 0,
                  "duplicate_click": 0,
                  "ctr": 0,
                  "cv": 0,
                  "view_through_cv": 0,
                  "event": 0,
                  "cvr": 0,
                  "evr": 0,
                  "rpc": 0,
                  "rpm": 0,
                  "revenue": 0,
                  "redirect_traffic_revenue": 0
              "payouts": {
                  "total": 1,
                  "entries": [
                          "network_offer_payout_revenue_id": 1,
                          "custom_payout_overwrite": false,
                          "network_custom_payout_revenue_setting_id": 0,
                          "payout_type": "cpa",
                          "entry_name": "Payout Example",
                          "payout_amount": 0.8,
                          "payout_percentage": 0,
                          "is_default": true,
                          "is_postback_disabled": false,
                          "is_enforce_caps": true
              "offer_affiliate_status": "public",
              "ruleset": {
                  "network_id": 1,
                  "network_ruleset_id": 0,
                  "time_created": 0,
                  "time_saved": 0,
                  "platforms": [],
                  "device_types": [],
                  "os_versions": [],
                  "brands": [],
                  "browsers": [],
                  "languages": [],
                  "countries": [],
                  "regions": [],
                  "cities": [],
                  "dmas": [],
                  "mobile_carriers": [],
                  "connection_types": [],
                  "ips": [],
                  "is_block_proxy": false,
                  "is_use_day_parting": false,
                  "day_parting_apply_to": "null_value",
                  "day_parting_timezone_id": 0,
                  "days_parting": [],
                  "isps": []
              "urls": {
                  "total": 0,
                  "entries": []
              "custom_payout_settings": {
                  "total": 0,
                  "entries": []
              "remaining_caps": {
                  "remaining_daily_payout_cap": 10.3,
                  "remaining_daily_conversion_cap": -1,
                  "remaining_daily_click_cap": -1
              "creative_bundle": {
                  "url": ""
              "channels": {
                  "total": 0,
                  "entries": []
              "blocked_variables_count": 1,
                  "requirement_kpis": {
                      "total": 0,
                      "entries": []
              "requirement_tracking_parameters": {
                  "total": 0,
                  "entries": []
          "impression_tracking_url": ""
  "paging": {
    "page": 0,
    "page_size": 0,
    "total_count": 0

Find By ID

GET /v1/affiliates/offers/:offerId
This endpoint allows you to retrieve a visible Offer by ID.

Returns HTTP code 404 if the Offer doesn’t exist or is not visible.

Path Parameters

Parameter Description
offerId The ID of the offer you want to fetch

curl --request GET '<INSERT OFFER ID>' \
--header 'X-Eflow-API-Key: <INSERT API KEY>' \
--header 'content-type: application/json'
   "name":"Test Offer",
               "name":"Test 1",
      "product_feeds": [
          "network_advertiser_product_feed_id": 5,
          "network_id": 1,
          "network_advertiser_id": 65,
          "name": "test rando col",
          "status": "active",
          "file_asset_id": 8,
          "date_valid_from": 0,
          "date_valid_to": 0,
          "date_valid_timezone_id": 90,
          "relationship": {
            "document_file_asset": {
              "network_asset_id": 8,
              "content_type": "text/csv",
              "filename": "products-3.csv",
              "url": "",
              "file_size": 654,
              "image_width": 0,
              "image_height": 0,
              "optimized_thumbnail_url": ""
          "time_saved": 1683644302,
          "time_created": 1683644302

Find Tracking URL

GET /v1/affiliates/offers/:offerId/url/:urlId
This endpoint lets you pull a tracking link for a runnable Offer by Id.

You can supply 0 for the urlId if no extra destination urls exist or if you do not wish to use one.

Returns HTTP code 404 if the Offer doesn’t exist. Returns HTTP code 400 if not allowed to run this Offer.

Path Parameters

Parameter Description
offerId The ID of an offer
urlId The id of an extra destination url

curl --request GET '<INSERT OFFER ID>/url/<INSERT URL ID>' \
--header 'X-Eflow-API-Key: <INSERT API KEY>' \
--header 'content-type: application/json'
    "url": "http://www.servetrack.test/9W598/2CTPL/?uid=1"

Find Impression URL

GET /v1/affiliates/offers/:offerId/impressionurl/:urlId
This endpoint lets you pull a tracking link for a runnable Offer by Id.

You can supply 0 for the urlId if no extra destination urls exist or if you do not wish to use one.

Returns HTTP code 404 if the Offer doesn’t exist. Returns HTTP code 400 if not allowed to run this Offer.

Path Parameters

Parameter Description
offerId The ID of an offer
urlId The id of an extra destination url

curl --request GET '<INSERT OFFER ID>/impressionurl/<INSERT URL ID>' \
--header 'X-Eflow-API-Key: <INSERT API KEY>' \
--header 'content-type: application/json'
    "url": "http://www.servetrack.test/i/9W598/2CTPL/?uid=1"