
Operations for offers

Find All

GET /v1/advertisers/offers

This endpoint allows you to retrieve a list of all of your offers.

Returns an empty array if no offer exists.


This endpoint supports basic filtering. Refer to API filters page for usage.


This endpoint supports the following additional relationships. Refer to our User Guide for usage.

This endpoint supports additional relationships. You can ask for them using the relationship query parameter. Multiple relationships can be supplied repeating the relationship query parameter.

Value Description
category Includes the offer’s category
creatives Includes the list of offer’s creatives
reporting Includes the offer’s reporting information
thumbnail_asset Includes the offer’s thumbnail asset
revenues Includes the list of offer’s revenues
ruleset Includes the offer’s targeting ruleset
remaining_caps Includes the offer’s caps (remaining)
meta Includes the offer’s meta information

curl --request GET '' \
--header 'X-Eflow-API-Key: <INSERT API KEY>' \
--header 'content-type: application/json' 
  "offers": [
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      "network_id": 0,
      "name": "",
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      "network_category_id": 0,
      "destination_url": "",
      "preview_url": "",
      "offer_status": "active",
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      "caps_timezone_id": 0,
      "date_live_until": "",
      "html_description": "",
      "visibility": "public",
      "is_using_explicit_terms_and_conditions": true,
      "terms_and_conditions": "",
      "is_caps_enabled": true,
      "is_using_suppression_list": true,
      "suppression_list_id": 0,
      "network_tracking_domain_id": 0,
      "daily_conversion_cap": 0,
      "weekly_conversion_cap": 0,
      "monthly_conversion_cap": 0,
      "global_conversion_cap": 0,
      "daily_revenue_cap": 0,
      "weekly_revenue_cap": 0,
      "monthly_revenue_cap": 0,
      "global_revenue_cap": 0,
      "daily_click_cap": 0,
      "weekly_click_cap": 0,
      "monthly_click_cap": 0,
      "global_click_cap": 0,
      "time_created": 0,
      "time_saved": 0,
      "tracking_url": "",
      "relationship": {
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          "network_category_id": 0,
          "network_id": 0,
          "name": "",
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          "time_saved": 0
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          "total": 0,
          "entries": [
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              "name": "",
              "creative_type": "image",
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              "email_from": "",
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          "url": "",
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          "image_height": 0
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              "entry_name": "",
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              "revenue_percentage": 0
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          "network_ruleset_id": 0,
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        "meta": {
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          "network_id": 0,
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          "total_rating": 0,
          "size": 0,
          "developer": "",
          "version": "",
          "is_app_unavailable": true,
          "time_created": 0,
          "time_app_data_saved": 0,
          "time_saved": 0

Find By ID

GET /v1/advertisers/offers/:offerId
This endpoint allows you to retrieve an offer by ID.

Returns HTTP code 404 if the offer doesn’t exist.

Path Parameters

Parameter Description
offerId The ID of the offer you want to fetch

curl --request GET '<INSERT OFFER ID>' \
--header 'X-Eflow-API-Key: <INSERT API KEY>' \
--header 'content-type: application/json'
  "network_offer_id": 0,
  "network_id": 0,
  "name": "",
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  "network_category_id": 0,
  "destination_url": "",
  "preview_url": "",
  "offer_status": "active",
  "currency_id": "",
  "caps_timezone_id": 0,
  "date_live_until": "",
  "html_description": "",
  "visibility": "public",
  "is_using_explicit_terms_and_conditions": true,
  "terms_and_conditions": "",
  "is_caps_enabled": true,
  "is_using_suppression_list": true,
  "suppression_list_id": 0,
  "network_tracking_domain_id": 0,
  "daily_conversion_cap": 0,
  "weekly_conversion_cap": 0,
  "monthly_conversion_cap": 0,
  "global_conversion_cap": 0,
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  "monthly_revenue_cap": 0,
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  "time_created": 0,
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