
Operations for offers

Fetch Offers

POST /v1/networks/offerstable

This is the main endpoint to extract a list of offers from the API. It’s possible to filter the offers returned by this endpoint using 2 different methods (which can be combined) :

  • Search Terms : equivalent to a text search (e.g. find offers with a name that contains the word “phone”)
  • Query Filters : structured filters on predefined fields (e.g. find offers that target the Android platform)


This endpoint supports paging. Refer to our User Guide for usage.

search_terms object array

This is a text search on the name or advertiser of the offer

search_type string

The name of the field used for search. Can be one of the following values: name, encoded_value or advertiser_name. The value name will also allow searching by ID. The encoded_value will only work with an exact match and will not detect partial matches.

value string

The value to search.

filters object

Structured filters

network_advertiser_ids int array

ID of the advertiser associated with the offer.

network_offer_group_id int

ID of the offer group associated with the offer.

network_category_ids int array

ID of the category type associated with the offer.

offer_status string

Status of the offers. Can be one of the following values: active, paused, pending or deleted.

visibilities string array

Visibility type associated with the offer. From the following values: public, require_approval or private.

labels string array

Only include offers matching the specified labels.

business_unit_ids int array

Filter offers based on the specified business units.

account_manager_ids int array

Only include offers managed by the specified account managers.

sales_manager_ids int array

Only include offers managed by the specified sales managers.

network_tracking_domain_ids int array

Only include offers running traffic on the specified tracking domains.

network_channel_ids int array

ID of the channels associated with the offer.

revenue_types string array

Filter offers based on the specified revenue type.

payout_types string array

Filter offers based on the specified payout type.

country_ids int array

ID of the country

platforms_ids int array

ID of the platform

device_types_ids int array

ID of the device types


This endpoint supports the following additional relationships. Refer to our User Guide for usage.

Value Description
visibility Includes the offer’s visibility information
ruleset Includes the offer’s targeting ruleset
tracking_domain Includes the offer’s tracking domain
urls Includes the offer URLs
affiliate_tier Includes which affiliate tiers are involved
account_manager Includes the offer’s account manager’s information
sales_manager Includes the offer’s sale manager’s information

The following examples are different variations of what you can pass as a payload in the following call :

curl --request POST '' \
--header 'X-Eflow-API-Key: <INSERT API KEY>' \
--header 'Content-Type: application/json' \

Example 1 : Fetch the active offers

  "filters": {
    "offer_status": "active"

To fetch, for example, the second page of 50 active offers and include the targeting information, you would run the following call :

curl --request POST '' \
--header 'X-Eflow-API-Key: <INSERT API KEY>' \
--header 'Content-Type: application/json' \
--data '{
  "filters": {
    "offer_status": "active"

Example 2 : Fetch private CPA offers with a name that contains the word “Free”

  "filters": {
    "payout_types": [
    "visibilities": [
  "search_terms": [
      "search_type": "name",
      "value": "Free"

Example 3: Fetch active offers that target phones and tablets. Note that this will include offers that target all devices (and not specifically phones or tablets)

  "filters": {
    "offer_status": "active",
    "device_type_ids": [
  "search_terms": []

   "offers": [
         "network_offer_id": 2,
         "network_id": 1,
         "network_advertiser_id": 13,
         "name": "Game Auto",
         "offer_status": "active",
         "thumbnail_url": "",
         "visibility": "public",
         "network_advertiser_name": "Kaori Thompson Inc.",
         "category": "Finance",
         "network_offer_group_id": 2,
         "time_created": 1623683450,
         "time_saved": 1623706863,
         "payout": "CPA: $0.800",
         "revenue": "RPA: $1.000",
         "today_revenue": "$0.00",
         "daily_conversion_cap": 25,
         "weekly_conversion_cap": 0,
         "monthly_conversion_cap": 50,
         "global_conversion_cap": 100,
         "daily_payout_cap": 0,
         "weekly_payout_cap": 0,
         "monthly_payout_cap": 0,
         "global_payout_cap": 0,
         "daily_revenue_cap": 0,
         "weekly_revenue_cap": 0,
         "monthly_revenue_cap": 0,
         "global_revenue_cap": 0,
         "daily_click_cap": 0,
         "weekly_click_cap": 0,
         "monthly_click_cap": 0,
         "global_click_cap": 0,
         "destination_url": "{affiliate_id}&oid={offer_id}&tid={transaction_id}",
         "encoded_value": "3QQG7",
         "labels": null,
         "today_clicks": 0,
         "is_force_terms_and_conditions": false,
         "project_id": "",
         "channels": null,
         "relationship": {
           "remaining_caps": {
             "remaining_daily_payout_cap": -1000,
             "remaining_daily_revenue_cap": -1000,
             "remaining_daily_conversion_cap": 25,
             "remaining_daily_click_cap": -1000,
             "remaining_weekly_payout_cap": -1000,
             "remaining_weekly_revenue_cap": -1000,
             "remaining_weekly_conversion_cap": -1000,
             "remaining_weekly_click_cap": -1000,
             "remaining_monthly_payout_cap": -1000,
             "remaining_monthly_revenue_cap": -1000,
             "remaining_monthly_conversion_cap": 50,
             "remaining_monthly_click_cap": -1000,
             "remaining_global_payout_cap": -1000,
             "remaining_global_revenue_cap": -1000,
             "remaining_global_conversion_cap": 100,
             "remaining_global_click_cap": -1000
           "ruleset": {
             "network_id": 1,
             "network_ruleset_id": 70,
             "time_created": 1623694632,
             "time_saved": 1623694795,
             "platforms": [],
             "device_types": [],
             "os_versions": [],
             "browsers": [],
             "languages": [],
             "countries": [],
             "regions": [],
             "cities": [],
             "dmas": [],
             "mobile_carriers": [],
             "connection_types": [],
             "ips": [],
             "is_block_proxy": false,
             "is_use_day_parting": false,
             "day_parting_apply_to": "null_value",
             "day_parting_timezone_id": 0,
             "days_parting": [],
             "isps": [],
             "brands": [],
             "postal_codes": [
                 "network_id": 1,
                 "network_targeting_postal_code_id": 2,
                 "postal_code": "90210",
                 "label": "90210",
                 "targeting_type": "include",
                 "match_type": "exact"
                 "network_id": 1,
                 "network_targeting_postal_code_id": 3,
                 "postal_code": "90211",
                 "label": "90211",
                 "targeting_type": "include",
                 "match_type": "exact"
         "optimized_thumbnail_url": "",
         "currency_id": "USD",
         "revenue_amount": 1,
         "payout_amount": 0.8,
         "today_revenue_amount": 0,
         "today_payout_amount": 0,
         "payout_type": "cpa",
         "revenue_type": "rpa"

Find By ID

GET /v1/networks/offers/:offerId

This endpoint allows you fetch the details of a single offer.

Path Parameters

Parameter Description
offerId The ID of the offer you want to fetch


This endpoint supports the following additional relationships. Refer to our User Guide for usage.

Value Description
advertiser Includes the offer’s advertiser
offer_group Includes the offer’s offer group, if applicable
visibility Includes the offer’s visibility information
payout_revenue Includes the offer’s payout revenue information
custom_cap_settings Includes the offer’s cap settings
custom_scrub_rate_settings Includes the offer’s throttle rate settings
custom_payout_revenue_settings Includes the offer’s revenue & payout settings
custom_creative_settings Includes the offer’s creative settings
redirects Includes the offer’s redirects information
traffic_filters Includes the traffic filters information
targeting Includes the offer’s targeting information
files Includes the offer’s files information
audits Includes the offer’s audits information
source_name Includes the source name information
urls Includes the urls information
integrations Includes the offer’s integrations information
campaigns Includes the offer’s campaigns information
advertiser_global_events Includes the advertiser’s global events information
offer_email Includes the offer’s email information
offer_email_optout Includes the offer’s email opt-out information
reporting Includes the offer’s reporting for today

curl --request GET '' \
--header 'X-Eflow-API-Key: <INSERT API KEY>'
  "network_offer_id": 1,
  "network_id": 1,
  "network_advertiser_id": 13,
  "network_offer_group_id": 3,
  "name": "Offer Example",
  "thumbnail_url": "",
  "network_category_id": 1,
  "internal_notes": "",
  "destination_url": "{affiliate_id}&oid={offer_id}&tid={transaction_id}",
  "server_side_url": "",
  "is_view_through_enabled": false,
  "view_through_destination_url": "",
  "preview_url": "",
  "offer_status": "active",
  "currency_id": "USD",
  "caps_timezone_id": 0,
  "project_id": "",
  "date_live_until": "",
  "html_description": "",
  "is_using_explicit_terms_and_conditions": false,
  "terms_and_conditions": "",
  "is_force_terms_and_conditions": false,
  "is_caps_enabled": false,
  "daily_conversion_cap": 0,
  "weekly_conversion_cap": 0,
  "monthly_conversion_cap": 0,
  "global_conversion_cap": 0,
  "daily_payout_cap": 0,
  "weekly_payout_cap": 0,
  "monthly_payout_cap": 0,
  "global_payout_cap": 0,
  "daily_revenue_cap": 0,
  "weekly_revenue_cap": 0,
  "monthly_revenue_cap": 0,
  "global_revenue_cap": 0,
  "daily_click_cap": 0,
  "weekly_click_cap": 0,
  "monthly_click_cap": 0,
  "global_click_cap": 0,
  "redirect_mode": "standard",
  "is_using_suppression_list": false,
  "suppression_list_id": 0,
  "is_must_approve_conversion": false,
  "is_allow_duplicate_conversion": true,
  "is_duplicate_filter_enabled": false,
  "duplicate_filter_targeting_action": "unknown",
  "network_tracking_domain_id": 1,
  "is_use_secure_link": false,
  "is_seo_friendly": false,
  "is_allow_deep_link": false,
  "is_session_tracking_enabled": false,
  "session_tracking_start_on": "null_value",
  "session_tracking_lifespan_hour": 0,
  "session_tracking_minimum_lifespan_second": 0,
  "is_view_through_session_tracking_enabled": false,
  "view_through_session_tracking_lifespan_minute": 0,
  "view_through_session_tracking_minimal_lifespan_second": 0,
  "is_block_already_converted": false,
  "already_converted_action": "unknown",
  "is_fail_traffic_enabled": false,
  "redirect_routing_method": "internal",
  "redirect_internal_routing_type": "priority",
  "visibility": "public",
  "time_created": 1594391076,
  "time_saved": 1594391076,
  "conversion_method": "server_postback",
  "is_whitelist_check_enabled": false,
  "is_use_scrub_rate": false,
  "scrub_rate_status": "null_value",
  "scrub_rate_percentage": 0,
  "session_definition": "cookie",
  "session_duration": 24,
  "app_identifier": "",
  "is_description_plain_text": false,
  "is_use_direct_linking": false,
  "is_email_attribution_enabled": false,
  "is_email_attribution_window_enabled": true,
  "email_attribution_window_minute": 1440,
  "email_attribution_window_type": "dynamic",
  "relationship": {
    "category": {
      "network_category_id": 1,
      "network_id": 1,
      "name": "Finance",
      "status": "active",
      "time_created": 1592409064,
      "time_saved": 1592409064
    "labels": {
      "total": 0,
      "entries": []
    "payout_revenue": {
      "total": 1,
      "entries": [
          "network_offer_payout_revenue_id": 1,
          "network_id": 1,
          "network_offer_id": 1,
          "entry_name": "",
          "payout_type": "cpa",
          "payout_amount": 0.8,
          "payout_percentage": 0,
          "revenue_type": "rpa",
          "revenue_amount": 1,
          "revenue_percentage": 0,
          "is_default": true,
          "is_private": false,
          "is_postback_disabled": false,
          "is_enforce_caps": true,
          "time_created": 1594391076,
          "global_advertiser_event_id": 0,
          "is_must_approve_conversion": false,
          "is_allow_duplicate_conversion": true,
          "is_email_attribution_default_event": false
    "encoded_value": "2CTPL",
    "is_locked_currency": false,
    "channels": {
      "total": 0,
      "entries": []
    "is_locked_caps_timezone": false,
    "requirement_kpis": {
      "total": 0,
      "entries": []
    "requirement_tracking_parameters": {
      "total": 0,
      "entries": []


POST /v1/networks/offers

While it is possible to create offers using this endpoint, it’s important to note that because of the nature of the offer object in Everflow, the payload that must be passed here is extremely complex. We unfortunately cannot possibly provide examples for all the configurations possible.

It is often much simpler to create a “template” offer manually in your Everflow account and then make use of the Copy endpoint and the Bulk Edit endpoint to change the properties that need to be updated.

network_advertiser_id int

ID of the advertiser submitting the offer.

network_offer_group_id int

ID of the offer group associated with the offer.

name string

Displayed name of the offer.

thumbnail_url string

URL of the image thumbnail associated with the offer and visible to network and affiliates.

network_category_id int

ID of the category type associated with the offer.

internal_notes string

Notes on the offer for network employees. Not displayed to affiliates and advertisers.

destination_url string

URL of the final landing page associated with the offer, including additional macros if applicable.

server_side_url string

Server-side URL that will be asynchronously fired by Everflow following a click.

is_view_through_enabled boolean

Whether conversions can be generated from impressions (as opposed to being generated from clicks only).

view_through_destination_url string

URL of the final landing page associated with the offer when redirected from an impression (including additional macros if applicable). Only relevant if is_view_through_enabled is true.

preview_url string

URL of a preview of the offer landing page.

offer_status string

Status of the offer. Can be one of the following values: active, paused, pending or deleted.

currency_id string

Currency used to compute payouts, costs and revenues of the offer.

caps_timezone_id int

ID of the timezone used for the caps if it differs from the network’s default.

project_id string

ID for the advertiser campaign or an Insertion Order.

date_live_until string

Date until when the offer can be run. Events occurring past the end of the day at the timezone of the network will be rejected. Accepted format: “yyyy-MM-dd”.

html_description string

Description of the offer for the affiliates. HTML code is accepted.

is_using_explicit_terms_and_conditions boolean

Whether the offer is using specific Terms and Conditions. When false, defaults to the network’s general Terms and Conditions.

terms_and_conditions string

Text listing the specific Terms and Conditions of the offer. Required only if is_using_explicit_terms_and_conditions is true.

is_force_terms_and_conditions boolean

Whether the affiliates are required to accept the offer’s specific Terms and Conditions.

is_caps_enabled boolean

Whether caps are enabled. When false, voids all types of caps and custom caps.

daily_conversion_cap int

Limit to the number of unique conversions in one day.

weekly_conversion_cap int

Limit to the number of unique conversions in one week (Monday midnight to Sunday 23h59:59)

monthly_conversion_cap int

Limit to the number of unique conversions in one month.

global_conversion_cap int

Limit to the total number of unique conversion at the offer level.

daily_payout_cap int

Limit to the affiliate’s payout for one day.

weekly_payout_cap int

Limit to the affiliate’s payout for a week (Monday midnight to Sunday 23h59:59)

monthly_payout_cap int

Limit to the affiliate’s payout for one month.

global_payout_cap int

Limit to the affiliate’s total payout at the offer level.

daily_revenue_cap int

Limit to the network’s revenue for one day.

weekly_revenue_cap int

Limit to the network’s revenue for a week (Monday midnight to Sunday 23h59:59)

monthly_revenue_cap int

Limit to the network’s revenue for one month.

global_revenue_cap int

Limit to the network’s total revenue at the offer level.

daily_click_cap int

Limit to the number of unique clicks in one day.

weekly_click_cap int

Limit to the number of unique clicks in a week (Monday midnight to Sunday 23h59:59).

monthly_click_cap int

Limit to the number of unique clicks in one month.

global_click_cap int

Limit to the total number of unique clicks at the offer level.

redirect_mode string

Setting used to obscure referrer URLs from advertisers. Can be one of the following values: standard, single_meta_refresh or double_meta_refresh. Not recommended, this will cause click drop-off.

is_using_suppression_list boolean

Whether a email suppression list is used for this offer.

suppression_list_id int

ID of the suppression list associated with the offer.

is_duplicate_filter_enabled boolean

Whether duplicate clicks are filtered and acted upon, according to the offer’s duplicate_filter_targeting_action.

duplicate_filter_targeting_action string

Action that should be taken when a duplicate click is encountered. Ignored if is_duplicate_filter_enabled is false. Can be either block or fail_traffic.

network_tracking_domain_id int

ID of the tracking domain hit by clicks belonging to the offer.

is_use_secure_link boolean

Whether tracking links use the more secure https:// instead of http://. Please validate with your account manager that SSL is enabled before using the offer level setting.

is_allow_deep_link boolean

Whether affiliates can send their traffic to target URLs by adding &url=[target URL] to their tracking links, instead of the offer’s destination URL.

is_session_tracking_enabled boolean

Whether affiliate’s conversions and payouts get automatically blocked based on a minimum and maximum time from the click to the associated conversion.

session_tracking_lifespan_hour int

Maximum interval of time between the click event and a valid conversion or event. Required only if is_session_tracking_enabled is true.

session_tracking_minimum_lifespan_second int

Minimum interval of time between the click event and a valid conversion or event. Required only if is_session_tracking_enabled is true.

is_view_through_session_tracking_enabled boolean

Whether affiliate’s conversions and payouts get automatically blocked based on a minimum and maximum time from the impression to the associated conversion. Only relevant if is_view_through_enabled is true.

view_through_session_tracking_lifespan_minute int

Maximum interval of time between the impression event and a valid conversion or event. Required only if is_session_tracking_enabled is true.

view_through_session_tracking_minimal_lifespan_second int

Minimum interval of time between the impression event and a valid conversion or event. Required only if is_session_tracking_enabled is true.

is_block_already_converted boolean

Whether clicks from users who have already converted on this offer are acted upon according to the offer’s already_converted_action.

already_converted_action string

Action that should be taken when a click from a user who has already converted on this offer is encountered. Ignored if is_block_already_converted is false. Can be either block or fail_traffic.

visibility string

Setting for the offer’s visibility for affiliates. Can be one of the following values: public, require_approval or private. [Learn More]

conversion_method string

Method used by the Advertiser to fire tracking data to Everflow. Can be one of the following values: http_image_pixel, https_image_pixel, server_postback, cookie_based, http_iframe_pixel, https_iframe_pixel or javascript.

is_whitelist_check_enabled boolean

Whether a check is made to ensure conversion postback origin from the advertiser. [Learn More]

is_use_scrub_rate boolean

Whether a predefined percentage of conversion get arbitrarily rejected. Required only if is_must_approve_conversion is true. This mechanism prevents that an excessive number of conversion gets approved.

scrub_rate_status string

Status to apply to conversions affected by throttling. Required only if is_use_scrub_rate is true. Can be either rejected or pending.

scrub_rate_percentage int

Percentage of conversions to be automatically throttled. Required only if is_use_scrub_rate is true.

session_definition string

Method used for determining whether a click is unique. Can be one of the following values: cookie, ip, ip_user_agent, google_ad_id or idfa. [Learn More]

session_duration int

Duration (in hours) of the active session used to match a click to a conversion.

app_identifier string

Bundle ID for iOS / Android Apps

is_description_plain_text boolean

Whether the description of the offer should be interpreted as plain text.

is_use_direct_linking boolean

Whether the offer is using Direct Linking.

meta object
advertiser_campaign_name string

Optional advertiser campaign name

creatives object array
name string

Name of the creative.

creative_type string

Type of the creative. Can be one of the following values: image, html, thumbnail, email, archive, video or text.

is_private boolean

Whether the creative is accessible by all affiliates.

creative_status string

Status of the creative. Can be either active or deleted.

html_code string

HTML content of the creative. Required only if creative_type is html or email.

width int

Width of the creative. Required only if creative_type is html.

height int

Height of the creative. Required only if creative_type is html.

email_from string

Content of the From field of the email. Required only if creative_type is email.

email_subject string

Content of the Subject field of the email. Required only if creative_type is email.

resource_file object

Content of the creative. Should only be included if creative_type is image, thumbnail, archive or video.

temp_url string

Temporary URL of the file, obtained by uploading the file through the API.

original_file_name string

Name of the file.

html_files object array

List of files attached to the creative. Should only be included if creative_type is html or email.

temp_url string

Temporary URL of the file, obtained by uploading the file through the API.

original_file_name string

Name of the file, which will be the used to generate the file macro. For example, Example File Name will give the macro {{example_file_name}}.

is_fail_traffic_enabled boolean

Whether the invalid clicks will be redirected to another offer.

redirect_routing_method string

Control how fail traffic is handled. For now, the only value allowed is internal. Only relevant if is_fail_traffic_enabled is true.

redirect_internal_routing_type string

Redirect mechanism that determines how the fail traffic is distributed between listed offers. Can be one of the following values: priority, weight, priority_global or weight_global. Only relevant if is_fail_traffic_enabled is true.

internal_redirects object array

Should only be included if is_fail_traffic_enabled is true.

redirect_network_offer_id int

ID of the offer where to redirect the traffic. One and only one of redirect_network_offer_id, redirect_network_offer_group_id, redirect_network_campaign_id or is_pass_through must be provided.

redirect_network_offer_url_id int

ID of the offer URL where to redirect the traffic. Required only if redirect_network_offer_id is provided. Use value 0 for the default offer URL.

redirect_network_offer_group_id int

ID of the offer group where to redirect the traffic. One and only one of redirect_network_offer_id, redirect_network_offer_group_id, redirect_network_campaign_id or is_pass_through must be provided.

redirect_network_campaign_id int

ID of the smartlink where to redirect the traffic. One and only one of redirect_network_offer_id, redirect_network_offer_group_id, redirect_network_campaign_id or is_pass_through must be provided.

routing_value int

The value use to determine priority or weight of the redirect. If redirect_internal_routing_type is priority or priority_global, the routing value is the order in which the redirects are evaluated, starting with 1 and going up. If redirect_internal_routing_type is weight or weight_global, the routing value is the weight of the redirect proportional to the total weights of the redirects. For example, with two redirects of weight 1 and 2 respectively, the first will receive 33% of the redirected traffic, and the second 66%.

ruleset object

Additional targeting rules for determining when the fail traffic rule is used. See the ruleset object.

categories string array

Additional requirements for redirect to receive the fail traffic. It has to reach the redirect in the priority/weight queue, and the reason for the invalid traffic also needs to match one of the selected categories, in order for that redirect to receive the traffic. Can be one of the following values: traffic_filter, traffic_control, already_converted, offer_expired, geotargeting, caps or other.

is_pay_affiliate boolean

Whether the affiliate will receive the payout if traffic is sent to the redirect. Both is_pay_affiliate and is_pass_through cannot be true.

is_pass_through boolean

Whether the fail traffic should be sent to the destination URL of the offer. One and only one of redirect_network_offer_id, redirect_network_offer_group_id, redirect_network_campaign_id or is_pass_through must be provided. Both is_pay_affiliate and is_pass_through cannot be true.

is_apply_specific_affiliates boolean

Whether the redirect applies for the affiliates specified by network_affiliate_ids or for all affiliates.

network_affiliate_ids int array

IDs of the affiliates for which this redirect applies. Only required if is_apply_specific_affiliates is true.

ruleset object

List of rules for the that determine what traffic is allowed / block at the offer level. See the ruleset object.

traffic_filters object array
parameter string

Parameter on which to filter traffic. Can be one of the following values: sub1, sub2, sub3, sub4, sub5, source_id, user_agent, referer, idfa, google_advertiser_id, http_accept_language or creative_id.

match_type string

Setting determining how the values are matched. Can be one of the following values: exact, minimum, maximum, contains, starts_with, range, ends_with, blank, does_not_match or does_not_contain.

value string

Value of the selected parameter to evaluate.

action string

Action to be taken if the incoming parameter value matches the provided value and match_type. Can be either block of fail_traffic.

email object
is_enabled boolean

Whether approved Subject and From lines for emails are used.

subject_lines string

Approved Subject lines for emails. Only relevant if is_enabled is true.

from_lines string

Approved From lines for emails. Only relevant if is_enabled is true.

email_optout object
is_enabled boolean

Whether approved Subject and From lines for emails are used.

suppression_file_link string

URL of the link to the suppression files.

unsub_link string

URL of the link to unsubscribe.

labels string array

Labels are use for organizing offers by private internal keywords.

source_names string array

Names of the source.

payout_revenue object array
entry_name string

Name for the base conversion. Defaults as Base.

payout_type string

Types of payout. Can be one of the following values: cpc, cpa, cpm, cps, cpa_cps or prv.

payout_amount double

Amount of the payout. Not required if payout_type is cps or prv.

payout_percentage int

Percentage of the payout. Only required if payout_type is cps, cpa_cps or prv.

revenue_type string

Types of revenue. Can be one of the following values: rpc, rpa, rpm, rps or rpa_rps.

revenue_amount double

Amount of the revenue. Not required if revenue_type is rps.

revenue_percentage int

Percentage of the revenue. Only required if revenue_type is rps or rpa_rps.

is_default boolean

Must be set to true for the base conversion.

is_private boolean

Must be set to false for the base conversion.

is_postback_disabled boolean

Enabling will prevent the partners postback from being fired on the successful initial conversion. Enabling this feature is useful whenever the base conversion is not tied to a payable action.

global_advertiser_event_id int

ID of the global advertiser event.

is_must_approve_conversion boolean

Enabling will hide all conversions from partners and won’t fire their postbacks. These conversions may be viewed under Reporting > Conversions and Status : ‘Pending’.

is_allow_duplicate_conversion boolean

Enabling allows partners to deliver multiple ‘Approved’ conversions from the same Transaction ID. If disabled, those conversions are rejected and not payable to partners.

thumbnail_file object
temp_url string

Temporary URL of the file, obtained by uploading the file through the API.

original_file_name string

Name of the file

integrations object
optizmo object
optoutlist_id string

ID of the Optizmo Optout List.

twentyfour_metrics object
network_integration_twentyfour_metrics_tracker_id int

ID of the tracker.

forensiq object
click_threshold int

Threshold for clicks above which the action will occur. One of click_threshold or conversion_threshold must be above 0.

action string

Action to take for clicks that fail to meet the click threshold. Can be one of the following values: block or fail_traffic.

conversion_threshold int

Threshold for conversions above which the conversion_status will be applied. One of click_threshold or conversion_threshold must be above 0.

conversion_status string

Status to apply to conversions that fail to meet the conversion threshold. Can be one of the following values: pending or rejected.

ezepo object
enabled boolean

Whether the ezepo integration is enabled for the offer.

anura object
enabled boolean

Whether the anura integration is enabled for the offer.

invoca object
enabled boolean

Whether the invoca integration is enabled for the offer.

channels object array
network_channel_id int

ID of the channel.

requirement_kpis object array
kpi string

KPI threshold required by traffic provider.

requirement_tracking_parameters object array
tracking_parameter string

Tracking parameter required by traffic provider.

value string

Value of the tracking parameter required by traffic provider.

email_attribution_method string

Can be one of the following values: first_affiliate_attribution or first_affiliate_attribution.

attribution_method string

Can be one of the following values: first_touch or last_touch.

      "network_offer_id": 1,
      "network_id": 1,
      "network_advertiser_id": 13,
      "network_offer_group_id": 5,
      "name": "Offer Example",
      "thumbnail_url": "",
      "network_category_id": 1,
      "internal_notes": "",
      "destination_url": "{affiliate_id}&oid={offer_id}&tid={transaction_id}",
      "server_side_url": "",
      "is_view_through_enabled": false,
      "view_through_destination_url": "",
      "preview_url": "",
      "offer_status": "active",
      "currency_id": "USD",
      "caps_timezone_id": 0,
      "project_id": "",
      "date_live_until": "",
      "html_description": "",
      "is_using_explicit_terms_and_conditions": false,
      "terms_and_conditions": "",
      "is_force_terms_and_conditions": false,
      "is_caps_enabled": false,
      "daily_conversion_cap": 0,
      "weekly_conversion_cap": 0,
      "monthly_conversion_cap": 0,
      "global_conversion_cap": 0,
      "daily_payout_cap": 0,
      "weekly_payout_cap": 0,
      "monthly_payout_cap": 0,
      "global_payout_cap": 0,
      "daily_revenue_cap": 0,
      "weekly_revenue_cap": 0,
      "monthly_revenue_cap": 0,
      "global_revenue_cap": 0,
      "daily_click_cap": 0,
      "weekly_click_cap": 0,
      "monthly_click_cap": 0,
      "global_click_cap": 0,
      "redirect_mode": "standard",
      "is_using_suppression_list": false,
      "suppression_list_id": 0,
      "is_must_approve_conversion": false,
      "is_allow_duplicate_conversion": true,
      "is_duplicate_filter_enabled": false,
      "duplicate_filter_targeting_action": "unknown",
      "network_tracking_domain_id": 1,
      "is_use_secure_link": false,
      "is_seo_friendly": false,
      "is_allow_deep_link": false,
      "is_session_tracking_enabled": false,
      "session_tracking_start_on": "null_value",
      "session_tracking_lifespan_hour": 0,
      "session_tracking_minimum_lifespan_second": 0,
      "is_view_through_session_tracking_enabled": false,
      "view_through_session_tracking_lifespan_minute": 0,
      "view_through_session_tracking_minimal_lifespan_second": 0,
      "is_block_already_converted": false,
      "already_converted_action": "unknown",
      "is_fail_traffic_enabled": false,
      "redirect_routing_method": "internal",
      "redirect_internal_routing_type": "priority",
      "visibility": "public",
      "time_created": 1592409065,
      "time_saved": 1592409065,
      "conversion_method": "server_postback",
      "is_whitelist_check_enabled": false,
      "is_use_scrub_rate": false,
      "scrub_rate_status": "null_value",
      "scrub_rate_percentage": 0,
      "session_definition": "cookie",
      "session_duration": 24,
      "app_identifier": "",
      "is_description_plain_text": false,
      "is_use_direct_linking": false,
      "relationship": {
        "category": {
          "network_category_id": 1,
          "network_id": 1,
          "name": "Finance",
          "status": "active",
          "time_created": 1592409064,
          "time_saved": 1592409064
        "labels": {
          "total": 0,
          "entries": []
        "payout_revenue": {
          "total": 1,
          "entries": [
              "network_offer_payout_revenue_id": 1,
              "network_id": 1,
              "network_offer_id": 1,
              "entry_name": "",
              "payout_type": "cpa",
              "payout_amount": 0.8,
              "payout_percentage": 0,
              "revenue_type": "rpa",
              "revenue_amount": 1,
              "revenue_percentage": 0,
              "is_default": true,
              "is_private": false,
              "is_postback_disabled": false,
              "is_enforce_caps": true,
              "time_created": 1592409065,
              "global_advertiser_event_id": 0,
              "is_must_approve_conversion": false,
              "is_allow_duplicate_conversion": true
        "encoded_value": "2CTPL",
        "is_locked_currency": false,
        "channels": {
          "total": 0,
          "entries": []
        "is_locked_caps_timezone": false,
        "requirement_kpis": {
          "total": 0,
          "entries": []
        "requirement_tracking_parameters": {
          "total": 0,
          "entries": []


GET /v1/networks/offers/:offerId/copy

This endpoint allows you to make a complete copy of an offer that already exists. The different options give you control over which additional settings should be copied along with the offer.

When successful, this endpoint returns the new offer copy.

Path Parameters

Parameter Description
offerId The ID of the offer you want to copy

Query String Parameters

Parameter Description
is_copy_custom_settings Determines whether custom settings (custom payout & revenue, caps, throttle rate and landing page settings) will be copied along with the offer
is_copy_creatives Determines whether the creatives will be copied along with the offer. Custom creatives will also be copied along when this option is set to true
is_copy_visibility Determines whether affiliate visibility is copied along with the offer
is_copy_additional_urls Determines whether Offer URLs are copied along with the offer
is_copy_forwarding_rules Determines whether forwarding rules are copied along with the offer
name Determines the name of the copied offer. Note that this must be URL encoded since it is passed in the query string (eg Copied%20Offer%20--%20%5BCPA%5D%20Web%20Sale! for the name Copied Offer -- [CPA] Web Sale!).
If the name parameter is omitted entirely, the copied offer will be name <Old Offer Name> (Copy)

curl --request GET '<offer_id>/copy' \
--header 'X-Eflow-API-Key: <INSERT API KEY>' \

When omitted, the query string parameters will default to false. So for example, hitting the following endpoint :

is the same as hitting :

In both cases, offer ID 151 will be copied, along with the following settings :

  • Custom Payout & Revenue Settings
  • Custom Cap Settings
  • Custom Landing Pages
  • Custom Throttle Rate Settings
  • Offer Visibility

Creatives, Forwarding rules and Offer URLs would not be copied over in this example.


PUT /v1/networks/offers/:offerId

While it is possible to updates offers using this endpoint, it’s important to note that because of the nature of the offer object in Everflow, the payload that must be passed here is extremely complex. Updating an offer via this endpoint requires you to pass the entire object.

You must specify all the fields, not only the ones you wish to update. Omitting a field that is not marked as required will result in its default value being used or in the field getting deleted entirely.

The Bulk Edit endpoint documented below allows you to update only certain fields on an offer, which is much less error prone.

Path Parameters

Parameter Description
offerId The ID of the offer you want to update

network_advertiser_id int

ID of the advertiser submitting the offer.

network_offer_group_id int

ID of the offer group associated with the offer.

name string

Displayed name of the offer.

thumbnail_url string

URL of the image thumbnail associated with the offer and visible to network and affiliates.

network_category_id int

ID of the category type associated with the offer.

internal_notes string

Notes on the offer for network employees. Not displayed to affiliates and advertisers.

destination_url string

URL of the final landing page associated with the offer, including additional macros if applicable.

server_side_url string

Server-side URL that will be asynchronously fired by Everflow following a click.

is_view_through_enabled boolean

Whether conversions can be generated from impressions (as opposed to being generated from clicks only).

view_through_destination_url string

URL of the final landing page associated with the offer when redirected from an impression (including additional macros if applicable). Only relevant if is_view_through_enabled is true.

preview_url string

URL of a preview of the offer landing page.

offer_status string

Status of the offer. Can be one of the following values: active, paused, pending or deleted.

currency_id string

Currency used to compute payouts, costs and revenues of the offer.

caps_timezone_id int

ID of the timezone used for the caps if it differs from the network’s default.

project_id string

ID for the advertiser campaign or an Insertion Order.

date_live_until string

Date until when the offer can be run. Events occurring past the end of the day at the timezone of the network will be rejected. Accepted format: “yyyy-MM-dd”.

html_description string

Description of the offer for the affiliates. HTML code is accepted.

is_using_explicit_terms_and_conditions boolean

Whether the offer is using specific Terms and Conditions. When false, defaults to the network’s general Terms and Conditions.

terms_and_conditions string

Text listing the specific Terms and Conditions of the offer. Required only if is_using_explicit_terms_and_conditions is true.

is_force_terms_and_conditions boolean

Whether the affiliates are required to accept the offer’s specific Terms and Conditions.

is_caps_enabled boolean

Whether caps are enabled. When false, voids all types of caps and custom caps.

daily_conversion_cap int

Limit to the number of unique conversions in one day.

weekly_conversion_cap int

Limit to the number of unique conversions in one week (Monday midnight to Sunday 23h59:59)

monthly_conversion_cap int

Limit to the number of unique conversions in one month.

global_conversion_cap int

Limit to the total number of unique conversion at the offer level.

daily_payout_cap int

Limit to the affiliate’s payout for one day.

weekly_payout_cap int

Limit to the affiliate’s payout for a week (Monday midnight to Sunday 23h59:59)

monthly_payout_cap int

Limit to the affiliate’s payout for one month.

global_payout_cap int

Limit to the affiliate’s total payout at the offer level.

daily_revenue_cap int

Limit to the network’s revenue for one day.

weekly_revenue_cap int

Limit to the network’s revenue for a week (Monday midnight to Sunday 23h59:59)

monthly_revenue_cap int

Limit to the network’s revenue for one month.

global_revenue_cap int

Limit to the network’s total revenue at the offer level.

daily_click_cap int

Limit to the number of unique clicks in one day.

weekly_click_cap int

Limit to the number of unique clicks in a week (Monday midnight to Sunday 23h59:59).

monthly_click_cap int

Limit to the number of unique clicks in one month.

global_click_cap int

Limit to the total number of unique clicks at the offer level.

redirect_mode string

Setting used to obscure referrer URLs from advertisers. Can be one of the following values: standard, single_meta_refresh or double_meta_refresh. Not recommended, this will cause click drop-off.

is_using_suppression_list boolean

Whether a email suppression list is used for this offer.

suppression_list_id int

ID of the suppression list associated with the offer.

is_duplicate_filter_enabled boolean

Whether duplicate clicks are filtered and acted upon, according to the offer’s duplicate_filter_targeting_action.

duplicate_filter_targeting_action string

Action that should be taken when a duplicate click is encountered. Ignored if is_duplicate_filter_enabled is false. Can be either block or fail_traffic.

network_tracking_domain_id int

ID of the tracking domain hit by clicks belonging to the offer.

is_use_secure_link boolean

Whether tracking links use the more secure https:// instead of http://. Please validate with your account manager that SSL is enabled before using the offer level setting.

is_allow_deep_link boolean

Whether affiliates can send their traffic to target URLs by adding &url=[target URL] to their tracking links, instead of the offer’s destination URL.

is_session_tracking_enabled boolean

Whether affiliate’s conversions and payouts get automatically blocked based on a minimum and maximum time from the click to the associated conversion.

session_tracking_lifespan_hour int

Maximum interval of time between the click event and a valid conversion or event. Required only if is_session_tracking_enabled is true.

session_tracking_minimum_lifespan_second int

Minimum interval of time between the click event and a valid conversion or event. Required only if is_session_tracking_enabled is true.

is_view_through_session_tracking_enabled boolean

Whether affiliate’s conversions and payouts get automatically blocked based on a minimum and maximum time from the impression to the associated conversion. Only relevant if is_view_through_enabled is true.

view_through_session_tracking_lifespan_minute int

Maximum interval of time between the impression event and a valid conversion or event. Required only if is_session_tracking_enabled is true.

view_through_session_tracking_minimal_lifespan_second int

Minimum interval of time between the impression event and a valid conversion or event. Required only if is_session_tracking_enabled is true.

is_block_already_converted boolean

Whether clicks from users who have already converted on this offer are acted upon according to the offer’s already_converted_action.

already_converted_action string

Action that should be taken when a click from a user who has already converted on this offer is encountered. Ignored if is_block_already_converted is false. Can be either block or fail_traffic.

visibility string

Setting for the offer’s visibility for affiliates. Can be one of the following values: public, require_approval or private. [Learn More]

conversion_method string

Method used by the Advertiser to fire tracking data to Everflow. Can be one of the following values: http_image_pixel, https_image_pixel, server_postback, cookie_based, http_iframe_pixel, https_iframe_pixel or javascript.

is_whitelist_check_enabled boolean

Whether a check is made to ensure conversion postback origin from the advertiser. [Learn More]

is_use_scrub_rate boolean

NOT SURE Whether a predefined percentage of conversion get arbitrarily rejected. Required only if is_must_approve_conversion is true. This mechanism prevents that an excessive number of conversion gets approved.

scrub_rate_status string

Status to apply to conversions affected by throttling. Required only if is_use_scrub_rate is true. Can be either rejected or pending.

scrub_rate_percentage int

Percentage of conversions to be automatically throttled. Required only if is_use_scrub_rate is true.

session_definition string

Method used for determining whether a click is unique. Can be one of the following values: cookie, ip, ip_user_agent, google_ad_id or idfa. [Learn More]

session_duration int

Duration (in hours) of the active session used to match a click to a conversion.

app_identifier string

Bundle ID for iOS / Android Apps

is_description_plain_text boolean

Whether the description of the offer should be interpreted as plain text.

is_use_direct_linking boolean

Whether the offer is using Direct Linking.

meta object
advertiser_campaign_name string

Optional advertiser campaign name

creatives object array
name string

Name of the creative.

creative_type string

Type of the creative. Can be one of the following values: image, html, thumbnail, email, archive, video or text.

is_private boolean

Whether the creative is accessible by all affiliates.

creative_status string

Status of the creative. Can be either active or deleted.

html_code string

HTML content of the creative. Required only if creative_type is html or email.

width int

Width of the creative. Required only if creative_type is html.

height int

Height of the creative. Required only if creative_type is html.

email_from string

Content of the From field of the email. Required only if creative_type is email.

email_subject string

Content of the Subject field of the email. Required only if creative_type is email.

resource_file object

Content of the creative. Should only be included if creative_type is image, thumbnail, archive or video.

temp_url string

Temporary URL of the file, obtained by uploading the file through the API.

original_file_name string

Name of the file.

html_files object array

List of files attached to the creative. Should only be included if creative_type is html or email.

temp_url string

Temporary URL of the file, obtained by uploading the file through the API.

original_file_name string

Name of the file, which will be the used to generate the file macro. For example, Example File Name will give the macro {{example_file_name}}.

is_fail_traffic_enabled boolean

Whether the invalid clicks will be redirected to another offer.

redirect_routing_method string

Control how fail traffic is handled. For now, the only value allowed is internal. Only relevant if is_fail_traffic_enabled is true.

redirect_internal_routing_type string

Redirect mechanism that determines how the fail traffic is distributed between listed offers. Can be one of the following values: priority, weight, priority_global or weight_global. Only relevant if is_fail_traffic_enabled is true.

internal_redirects object array

Should only be included if is_fail_traffic_enabled is true.

redirect_network_offer_id int

ID of the offer where to redirect the traffic. One and only one of redirect_network_offer_id, redirect_network_offer_group_id, redirect_network_campaign_id or is_pass_through must be provided.

redirect_network_offer_url_id int

ID of the offer URL where to redirect the traffic. Required only if redirect_network_offer_id is provided. Use value 0 for the default offer URL.

redirect_network_offer_group_id int

ID of the offer group where to redirect the traffic. One and only one of redirect_network_offer_id, redirect_network_offer_group_id, redirect_network_campaign_id or is_pass_through must be provided.

redirect_network_campaign_id int

ID of the smartlink where to redirect the traffic. One and only one of redirect_network_offer_id, redirect_network_offer_group_id, redirect_network_campaign_id or is_pass_through must be provided.

routing_value int

The value use to determine priority or weight of the redirect. If redirect_internal_routing_type is priority or priority_global, the routing value is the order in which the redirects are evaluated, starting with 1 and going up. If redirect_internal_routing_type is weight or weight_global, the routing value is the weight of the redirect proportional to the total weights of the redirects. For example, with two redirects of weight 1 and 2 respectively, the first will receive 33% of the redirected traffic, and the second 66%.

ruleset object

Additional targeting rules for determining when the fail traffic rule is used. See the ruleset object.

categories string array

Additional requirements for redirect to receive the fail traffic. It has to reach the redirect in the priority/weight queue, and the reason for the invalid traffic also needs to match one of the selected categories, in order for that redirect to receive the traffic. Can be one of the following values: traffic_filter, traffic_control, already_converted, offer_expired, geotargeting, caps or other.

is_pay_affiliate boolean

Whether the affiliate will receive the payout if traffic is sent to the redirect. Both is_pay_affiliate and is_pass_through cannot be true.

is_pass_through boolean

Whether the fail traffic should be sent to the destination URL of the offer. One and only one of redirect_network_offer_id, redirect_network_offer_group_id, redirect_network_campaign_id or is_pass_through must be provided. Both is_pay_affiliate and is_pass_through cannot be true.

is_apply_specific_affiliates boolean

Whether the redirect applies for the affiliates specified by network_affiliate_ids or for all affiliates.

network_affiliate_ids int array

IDs of the affiliates for which this redirect applies. Only required if is_apply_specific_affiliates is true.

ruleset object

List of rules for the that determine what traffic is allowed / block at the offer level. See the ruleset object.

traffic_filters object array
parameter string

Parameter on which to filter traffic. Can be one of the following values: sub1, sub2, sub3, sub4, sub5, source_id, user_agent, referer, idfa, google_advertiser_id, http_accept_language or creative_id.

match_type string

Setting determining how the values are matched. Can be one of the following values: exact, minimum, maximum, contains, starts_with, range, ends_with, blank, does_not_match or does_not_contain.

value string

Value of the selected parameter to evaluate.

action string

Action to be taken if the incoming parameter value matches the provided value and match_type. Can be either block of fail_traffic.

email object
is_enabled boolean

Whether approved Subject and From lines for emails are used.

subject_lines string

Approved Subject lines for emails. Only relevant if is_enabled is true.

from_lines string

Approved From lines for emails. Only relevant if is_enabled is true.

email_optout object
is_enabled boolean

Whether approved Subject and From lines for emails are used.

suppression_file_link string

URL of the link to the suppression files.

unsub_link string

URL of the link to unsubscribe.

labels string array

Labels are use for organizing offers by private internal keywords.

source_names string array

Names of the source.

payout_revenue object array
entry_name string

Name for the base conversion. Defaults as Base.

payout_type string

Types of payout. Can be one of the following values: cpc, cpa, cpm, cps, cpa_cps or prv.

payout_amount double

Amount of the payout. Not required if payout_type is cps or prv.

payout_percentage int

Percentage of the payout. Only required if payout_type is cps, cpa_cps or prv.

revenue_type string

Types of revenue. Can be one of the following values: rpc, rpa, rpm, rps or rpa_rps.

revenue_amount double

Amount of the revenue. Not required if revenue_type is rps.

revenue_percentage int

Percentage of the revenue. Only required if revenue_type is rps or rpa_rps.

is_default boolean

Must be set to true for the base conversion.

is_private boolean

Must be set to false for the base conversion.

is_postback_disabled boolean

Enabling will prevent the partners postback from being fired on the successful initial conversion. Enabling this feature is useful whenever the base conversion is not tied to a payable action.

global_advertiser_event_id int

ID of the global advertiser event.

is_must_approve_conversion boolean

Enabling will hide all conversions from partners and won’t fire their postbacks. These conversions may be viewed under Reporting > Conversions and Status : ‘Pending’.

is_allow_duplicate_conversion boolean

Enabling allows partners to deliver multiple ‘Approved’ conversions from the same Transaction ID. If disabled, those conversions are rejected and not payable to partners.

thumbnail_file object
temp_url string

Temporary URL of the file, obtained by uploading the file through the API.

original_file_name string

Name of the file

integrations object
optizmo object
optoutlist_id string

ID of the Optizmo Optout List.

twentyfour_metrics object
network_integration_twentyfour_metrics_tracker_id int

ID of the tracker.

forensiq object
click_threshold int

Threshold for clicks above which the action will occur. One of click_threshold or conversion_threshold must be above 0.

action string

Action to take for clicks that fail to meet the click threshold. Can be one of the following values: block or fail_traffic.

conversion_threshold int

Threshold for conversions above which the conversion_status will be applied. One of click_threshold or conversion_threshold must be above 0.

conversion_status string

Status to apply to conversions that fail to meet the conversion threshold. Can be one of the following values: pending or rejected.

ezepo object
enabled boolean

Whether the ezepo integration is enabled for the offer.

anura object
enabled boolean

Whether the anura integration is enabled for the offer.

invoca object
enabled boolean

Whether the invoca integration is enabled for the offer.

channels object array
network_channel_id int

ID of the channel.

requirement_kpis object array
kpi string

KPI threshold required by traffic provider.

requirement_tracking_parameters object array
tracking_parameter string

Tracking parameter required by traffic provider.

value string

Value of the tracking parameter required by traffic provider.

email_attribution_method string

Can be one of the following values: first_affiliate_attribution or first_affiliate_attribution.

attribution_method string

Can be one of the following values: first_touch or last_touch.

  "network_offer_id": 1,
  "network_id": 1,
  "network_advertiser_id": 13,
  "network_offer_group_id": 3,
  "name": "Offer Example",
  "thumbnail_url": "",
  "network_category_id": 1,
  "internal_notes": "",
  "destination_url": "{affiliate_id}&oid={offer_id}&tid={transaction_id}",
  "server_side_url": "",
  "is_view_through_enabled": false,
  "view_through_destination_url": "",
  "preview_url": "",
  "offer_status": "active",
  "currency_id": "USD",
  "caps_timezone_id": 0,
  "project_id": "",
  "date_live_until": "",
  "html_description": "",
  "is_using_explicit_terms_and_conditions": false,
  "terms_and_conditions": "",
  "is_force_terms_and_conditions": false,
  "is_caps_enabled": false,
  "daily_conversion_cap": 0,
  "weekly_conversion_cap": 0,
  "monthly_conversion_cap": 0,
  "global_conversion_cap": 0,
  "daily_payout_cap": 0,
  "weekly_payout_cap": 0,
  "monthly_payout_cap": 0,
  "global_payout_cap": 0,
  "daily_revenue_cap": 0,
  "weekly_revenue_cap": 0,
  "monthly_revenue_cap": 0,
  "global_revenue_cap": 0,
  "daily_click_cap": 0,
  "weekly_click_cap": 0,
  "monthly_click_cap": 0,
  "global_click_cap": 0,
  "redirect_mode": "standard",
  "is_using_suppression_list": false,
  "suppression_list_id": 0,
  "is_must_approve_conversion": false,
  "is_allow_duplicate_conversion": true,
  "is_duplicate_filter_enabled": false,
  "duplicate_filter_targeting_action": "unknown",
  "network_tracking_domain_id": 1,
  "is_use_secure_link": false,
  "is_seo_friendly": false,
  "is_allow_deep_link": false,
  "is_session_tracking_enabled": false,
  "session_tracking_start_on": "null_value",
  "session_tracking_lifespan_hour": 0,
  "session_tracking_minimum_lifespan_second": 0,
  "is_view_through_session_tracking_enabled": false,
  "view_through_session_tracking_lifespan_minute": 0,
  "view_through_session_tracking_minimal_lifespan_second": 0,
  "is_block_already_converted": false,
  "already_converted_action": "unknown",
  "is_fail_traffic_enabled": false,
  "redirect_routing_method": "internal",
  "redirect_internal_routing_type": "priority",
  "visibility": "public",
  "time_created": 1594391076,
  "time_saved": 1594391076,
  "conversion_method": "server_postback",
  "is_whitelist_check_enabled": false,
  "is_use_scrub_rate": false,
  "scrub_rate_status": "null_value",
  "scrub_rate_percentage": 0,
  "session_definition": "cookie",
  "session_duration": 24,
  "app_identifier": "",
  "is_description_plain_text": false,
  "is_use_direct_linking": false,
  "is_email_attribution_enabled": false,
  "is_email_attribution_window_enabled": true,
  "email_attribution_window_minute": 1440,
  "email_attribution_window_type": "dynamic",
  "relationship": {
    "category": {
      "network_category_id": 1,
      "network_id": 1,
      "name": "Finance",
      "status": "active",
      "time_created": 1592409064,
      "time_saved": 1592409064
    "labels": {
      "total": 0,
      "entries": []
    "payout_revenue": {
      "total": 1,
      "entries": [
          "network_offer_payout_revenue_id": 1,
          "network_id": 1,
          "network_offer_id": 1,
          "entry_name": "",
          "payout_type": "cpa",
          "payout_amount": 0.8,
          "payout_percentage": 0,
          "revenue_type": "rpa",
          "revenue_amount": 1,
          "revenue_percentage": 0,
          "is_default": true,
          "is_private": false,
          "is_postback_disabled": false,
          "is_enforce_caps": true,
          "time_created": 1594391076,
          "global_advertiser_event_id": 0,
          "is_must_approve_conversion": false,
          "is_allow_duplicate_conversion": true,
          "is_email_attribution_default_event": false
    "encoded_value": "2CTPL",
    "is_locked_currency": false,
    "channels": {
      "total": 0,
      "entries": []
    "is_locked_caps_timezone": false,
    "requirement_kpis": {
      "total": 0,
      "entries": []
    "requirement_tracking_parameters": {
      "total": 0,
      "entries": []

Bulk Edit

PATCH /v1/networks/patch/offers/apply

This endpoint allows you to update selected fields of one or multiple offers at the same time. It does not require the entire offer object to be passed in the payload. Only the properties that need to be changed must be supplied.

Note that certain properties must be updated together. For example updating offers to set the is_caps_enabled to true without specifiying cap values would result in an invalid request.

This endpoint cannot be used to manage the partner visibility over offers. See here to the visibility documentation.

Body Param

network_offer_ids int array

IDs of the offers to be patched.

fields object array

List of fields to patch. See here for the list of types and their corresponding values.

field_type string

Type of the field to patch. See here for the list of types.


Value of the field to patch. See here for the list of values.

operator string

Operator determining how the field will be used to modify the offers. Can be one of the following values: overwrite, append, delete, or clear. Not all options are possible for every field. append, delete and clear only apply for fields that contain multiple values.

Body Example

    "network_offer_ids": [
    "fields": [
            "field_type": "offer_status",
            "field_value": "paused",
            "operator": "overwrite"

curl --request PATCH '' \
--header 'X-Eflow-API-Key: <INSERT API KEY>' \
--header 'Content-Type: application/json' \

Example 1 : Pause multiple offers at the same time :

    "network_offer_ids": [
    "fields": [
            "field_type": "offer_status",
            "field_value": "paused",
            "operator": "overwrite"

Example 2 : Update the base payout / revenue settings of a single offer

    "network_offer_ids": [
    "fields": [
            "field_type": "payout_revenue_name",
            "field_value": "Updated Base Event Name",
            "operator": "overwrite"
            "field_type": "payout",
            "field_value": {
                "payout_type": "cpa",
                "payout_amount": 2.5,
                "payout_percentage": null
            "operator": "overwrite"
            "field_type": "revenue",
            "field_value": {
                "revenue_type": "rps",
                "revenue_amount": null,
                "revenue_percentage": 25
            "operator": "overwrite"

Example 3 : Add 2 new events to an existing offer, one of which is a private event :

    "network_offer_ids": [
    "fields": [
            "field_type": "additional_events",
            "field_value": [
                    "entry_name": "Additional Event",
                    "revenue_type": "rpa",
                    "revenue_amount": 3,
                    "revenue_percentage": null,
                    "payout_type": "cpa",
                    "payout_amount": 2,
                    "payout_percentage": null,
                    "is_allow_duplicate_conversion": true,
                    "is_must_approve_conversion": false,
                    "is_private": false,
                    "is_enforce_caps": false,
                    "is_postback_disabled": false
                     "entry_name": "Manually Approved Private Event",
                     "revenue_type": "rps",
                     "revenue_amount": null,
                     "revenue_percentage": 50,
                     "is_allow_duplicate_conversion": true,
                     "is_must_approve_conversion": true,
                     "is_private": true,
                     "is_enforce_caps": false,
                     "is_postback_disabled": true
            "operator": "append"

Example 4 : Enable Caps and set a daily click cap and a global payout cap on multiple offers at once :

    "network_offer_ids": [
    "fields": [
            "field_type": "is_caps_enabled",
            "field_value": true,
            "operator": "overwrite"
            "field_type": "daily_conversion_cap",
            "field_value": 5000,
            "operator": "overwrite"
            "field_type": "global_payout_cap",
            "field_value": 2000,
            "operator": "overwrite"

Example 5 : Add new targeting rules that only allows iOS traffic from the US on multiple offers :

    "network_offer_ids": [
    "fields": [
            "field_type": "ruleset_countries",
            "field_value": [
                    "country_id": 227,
                    "match_type": "exact",
                    "targeting_type": "include",
                    "label": "United States"
            "operator": "overwrite"
            "field_type": "ruleset_platforms",
            "field_value": [
                    "platform_id": 2,
                    "match_type": "exact",
                    "targeting_type": "include",
                    "label": "iOS"
            "operator": "overwrite"

Example 6 : Special case where we allow string / replace on the offer destination URLs. Even though these are not patchable fields per se, they are defined specifically to allow for string replace operations on multiple operations. If you have a group of offers for which the destination URL is and you would like to change domain-1 to something different, the following call will work :

    "network_offer_ids": [
    "fields": [
        "field_type": "destination_url_replace",
         "field_value": {
            "find": "domain-1",
            "replace": "domain-2"

The fields on which the string replace operation is supported are : destination_url_replace, server_side_url_replace and view_through_destination_url_replace.

  "result": true

Patch Preview

POST /v1/networks/patch/offers/submit

This endpoint works exactly the same way the Bulk Edit endpoint documented above does, with the important difference that it does not actually change anything. Rather the endpoint will return of a preview of the changes and will flag any errors.

network_offer_ids int array

IDs of the offers to be patched.

fields object array

List of fields to patch. See here for the list of types and their corresponding values.

field_type string

Type of the field to patch. See here for the list of types.


Value of the field to patch. See here for the list of values.

operator string

Operator determining how the field will be used to modify the offers. Can be one of the following values: overwrite, append, delete, or clear.

changes object array
network_offer object

An offer part of the patch submission.

network_offer_id int

ID of the offer.

name string

Name of the offer.

offer_status string

Status of the offer. Can be one of the following values: active, paused, pending or deleted.

change_status string

Status of the change. Can be one of the following values: ok, no_change or error.

current_field object
field_type string

Type of the field before the patch. See here for the list of types.


Value of the field before the patch. See here for the list of values.

changed_field object
field_type string

Type of the field after the patch. See here for the list of types.


Value of the field after the patch. See here for the list of values.

error_message string

Error message for that particular field. Only filled when change_status is error.

related_changes string

Message detailing other changes that will happen as a consequence of the particular change.

resource_errors object array

If some of the offers that are part of the patch are not in a valid state prior to the patch, the patch will not be attempted and instead a list of the offer errors will be returned here.

id int

ID of the invalid offer.

label string

Name of the invalid offer.

message string

Message indicating in which way the offer is invalid.

Patchable Fields

The fields below are to be used in the Bulk Edit and Patch Preview endpoints documented above.

offer_status string

Status of the offer. Can be one of the following values: active, paused, pending or deleted.

network_advertiser_id int

ID of the advertiser

network_offer_group_id int

ID of the offer group associated with the offer

network_category_id int

ID of the category associated with the offer

currency_id string

Currency used to compute payouts costs and revenues of the offer.

offer_name string

Displayed name of the offer.

labels string array

Labels are used for organizing offers by private internal keywords.

app_identifier string

Bundle ID for iOS / Android Apps

internal_notes string

Notes on the offer for network employees. Not displayed to affiliates and advertisers.

project_id string

ID for the advertiser campaign or an Insertion Order.

channels object array
network_channel_id int

ID of the channel

status string

Status of the channel. Can be one of the following values: active or inactive.

date_live_until string

Date until when the offer can be run. Events occurring past the end of the day at the timezone of the network will be rejected.

html_description string

Description of the offer for the affiliates. HTML code is accepted.

is_offer_description_plaintext boolean

Whether the description of the offer should be interpreted as plain text.

destination_url string

URL of the final landing page associated with the offer, including additional macros if applicable.

preview_url string

Preview URL associated with the offer

server_side_url string

URL of the page that will be called from the server side of Everflow, including additional macros if applicable.

view_through_destination_url string

URL of the final landing page associated with the offer when redirected from an impression (including additional macros if applicable). Only relevant if is_view_through_enabled is true.

invoca_enabled boolean

Whether the Invoca integration is enabled for the offer

payout_revenue_name string

Name for the initial conversion action.

revenue object
revenue_type string

Type of revenue. Can be rpc, rpa, rpm, rps or rpa_rps.

revenue_amount double

Amount of revenue. Not required or relevant for revenue type rps.

revenue_percentage int

Percentage of revenue. Only relevant and required with revenue type rps or rpa_rps

payout object
payout_type string

Type of payout. Can be cpc, cpa, cpm, cps, cpa_cps or prv.

payout_amount double

Amount of payout. Not required or relevant for payout type cps or prv.

payout_percentage int

Percentage of payout. Only relevant and required with payout type cps, cpa_cps or prv.

is_must_approve_conversion boolean

Enabling will hide all conversions from partners and won’t fire their postbacks. These conversions may be viewed under Reporting > Conversions and Status : ‘Pending’.

is_allow_duplicate_conversion boolean

Enabling allows partners to deliver multiple ‘Approved’ conversions from the same Transaction ID. If disabled, those conversions are rejected and not payable to partners.

is_postback_disabled boolean

Enabling will prevent the partners postback from being fired on the successful initial conversion. Enabling this feature is useful whenever the base conversion is not tied to a payable action.

network_tracking_domain_id int

ID of the tracking domain hit by clicks belonging to the offer.

conversion_method string

Method used by the Advertiser to fire tracking data to Everflow. Can be one of the following values: http_image_pixel, https_image_pixel, server_postback, cookie_based, http_iframe_pixel, https_iframe_pixel or javascript.

is_use_secure_link boolean

Whether tracking links use the more secure https:// instead of http://. Please validate with your account manager that SSL is enabled before using the offer level setting.

is_allow_deep_link boolean

Whether affiliates can send their traffic to target URLs by adding &url=[target URL] to their tracking links, instead of the offer’s destination URL.

is_use_direct_linking boolean

Whether the offer is using Direct Linking.

is_caps_enabled boolean

Whether caps are enabled. When false, voids all types of caps and custom caps.

daily_conversion_cap int

Limit to the number of unique conversions in one day.

weekly_conversion_cap int

Limit to the number of unique conversions in one week (Monday midnight to Sunday 23h59:59)

monthly_conversion_cap int

Limit to the number of unique conversions in one month.

global_conversion_cap int

Limit to the total number of unique conversion at the offer level.

daily_payout_cap int

Limit to the affiliate’s payout for one day.

weekly_payout_cap int

Limit to the affiliate’s payout for a week (Monday midnight to Sunday 23h59:59)

monthly_payout_cap int

Limit to the affiliate’s payout for one month.

global_payout_cap int

Limit to the affiliate’s total payout at the offer level.

daily_revenue_cap int

Limit to the network’s revenue for one day.

weekly_revenue_cap int

Limit to the network’s revenue for a week (Monday midnight to Sunday 23h59:59)

monthly_revenue_cap int

Limit to the network’s revenue for one month.

global_revenue_cap int

Limit to the network’s total revenue at the offer level.

daily_click_cap int

Limit to the number of unique clicks in one day.

weekly_click_cap int

Limit to the number of unique clicks in a week (Monday midnight to Sunday 23h59:59).

monthly_click_cap int

Limit to the number of unique clicks in one month.

global_click_cap int

Limit to the total number of unique clicks at the offer level.

visibility string

Setting for the offer’s visibility for affiliates. Can be one of the following values: public, require_approval or private. [Learn More]

is_using_explicit_terms_and_conditions boolean

Whether the offer is using specific Terms and Conditions. When false, defaults to the network’s general Terms and Conditions.

is_force_terms_and_conditions boolean

Whether the affiliates are required to accept the offer’s specific Terms and Conditions.

terms_and_conditions string

Text listing the specific Terms and Conditions of the offer. Required only if is_using_explicit_terms_and_conditions is true.

is_whitelist_check_enabled boolean

Whether a check is made to ensure conversion postback origin from the advertiser. [Learn More]

session_definition string

Method used for determining whether a click is unique. Can be one of the following values: cookie, ip, ip_user_agent, google_ad_id or idfa. [Learn More]

session_duration string

Duration (in hours) of the active session used to match a click to a conversion.

is_duplicate_filter_enabled boolean

Whether duplicate clicks are filtered and acted upon, according to the offer’s duplicate_filter_targeting_action.

duplicate_filter_targeting_action string

Action that should be taken when a duplicate click is encountered. Ignored if is_duplicate_filter_enabled is false. Can be either block or fail_traffic.

redirect_mode string

Setting used to obscure referrer URLs from advertisers. Can be one of the following values: standard, single_meta_refresh or double_meta_refresh. Not recommended, this will cause click drop-off.

requirement_kpis object array
kpi string

KPI threshold required by traffic provider.

requirement_tracking_parameters object array
tracking_parameter string

Tracking parameter required by traffic provider.

value string

Value of the tracking parameter required by traffic provider.

is_block_already_converted boolean

Whether clicks from users who have already converted on this offer are acted upon according to the offer’s already_converted_action.

already_converted_action string

Action that should be taken when a click from a user who has already converted on this offer is encountered. Ignored if is_block_already_converted is false. Can be either block or fail_traffic.

is_use_scrub_rate boolean

Whether a predefined percentage of conversion get arbitrarily rejected. Required only if is_must_approve_conversion is true. This mechanism prevents that an excessive number of conversion gets approved.

scrub_rate_status string

Status to apply to conversions affected by throttling. Required only if is_use_scrub_rate is true. Can be either rejected or pending.

scrub_rate_percentage int

Percentage of conversions to be automatically throttled. Required only if is_use_scrub_rate is true.

is_session_tracking_enabled boolean

Whether affiliate’s conversions and payouts get automatically blocked based on a minimum and maximum time from the click to the associated conversion.

session_tracking_lifespan_hour int

Maximum interval of time between the click event and a valid conversion or event. Required only if is_session_tracking_enabled is true.

session_tracking_minimum_lifespan_second int

Minimum interval of time between the click event and a valid conversion or event. Required only if is_session_tracking_enabled is true.

is_view_through_enabled boolean

Whether conversions can be generated from impressions (as opposed to being generated from clicks only).

is_view_through_session_tracking_enabled boolean

Whether affiliate’s conversions and payouts get automatically blocked based on a minimum and maximum time from the impression to the associated conversion. Only relevant if is_view_through_enabled is true.

view_through_session_tracking_lifespan_minute int

Maximum interval of time between the impression event and a valid conversion or event. Required only if is_session_tracking_enabled is true.

view_through_session_tracking_minimal_lifespan_second int

Minimum interval of time between the impression event and a valid conversion or event. Required only if is_session_tracking_enabled is true.

twentyfour_metrics_network_integration_twentyfour_metrics_tracker_id int

ID of the tracker.

forensiq_is_forensiq_click_threshold_enabled boolean

Whether the threshold for clicks is enabled.

forensiq_click_threshold int

Threshold for clicks above which the action will occur. One of click_threshold or conversion_threshold must be above 0.

forensiq_action string

Action to take for clicks that fail to meet the click threshold. Can be one of the following values: block or fail_traffic.

forensiq_is_forensiq_conversion_threshold_enabled boolean

Whether the threshold for conversions is enabled.

forensiq_conversion_threshold int

Threshold for conversions above which the conversion_status will be applied. One of click_threshold or conversion_threshold must be above 0.

forensiq_conversion_status string

Status to apply to conversions that fail to meet the conversion threshold. Can be one of the following values: pending or rejected.

anura_enabled boolean

Whether the anura integration is enabled for the offer.

ip_quality_score_enabled boolean

Whether the scrubkit integration is enabled for the offer.

ip_quality_score_min_fraud_score string

Threshold for traffic above which the ip_quality_score_action will be applied.

ip_quality_score_min_fraud_score_mobile string

Threshold for mobile traffic above which the ip_quality_score_action will be applied.

ip_quality_score_action string

Action to take for traffic that fail to meet the threshold. Can be one of the following values: block or fail_traffic.

scrubkit_enabled boolean

Whether the scrubkit integration is enabled for the offer.

ruleset_platforms object array

Platforms are used to narrow down the targeting of your offers, campaigns, custom settings, etc.

platform_id int

ID of the platform

targeting_type string

The targeting type. Can either be include or exclude.

match_type string

Setting determining how the values are matched. Can be one of the following values: exact.

ruleset_device_types object array

Device types are used to narrow down the targeting of your offers, campaigns, custom settings, etc.

device_type_id int

ID of the device type.

targeting_type string

The targeting type. Can either be include or exclude.

match_type string

Setting determining how the values are matched. Can be one of the following values: exact.

brands object array

Brands are used to narrow down the targeting of your offers, campaigns, custom settings, etc.

brand_id int

ID of the brand.

targeting_type string

The targeting type. Can either be include or exclude.

match_type string

Setting determining how the values are matched. Can be one of the following values: exact.

ruleset_browsers object array

Browsers are used to narrow down the targeting of your offers, campaigns, custom settings, etc.

browser_id int

ID of the browser.

targeting_type string

The targeting type. Can either be include or exclude.

match_type string

Setting determining how the values are matched. Can be one of the following values: exact.

ruleset_os_versions object array

OS versions are used to narrow down the targeting of your offers, campaigns, custom settings, etc.

platform_id int

ID of the platform.

os_version_id int

ID of the OS version.

targeting_type string

The targeting type. Can either be include or exclude.

match_type string

Setting determining how the values are matched. Can be one of the following values: exact, minimum, maximum.

ruleset_languages object array

Browser languages are used to narrow down the targeting of your offers, campaigns, custom settings, etc.

browser_language_id int

ID of the browser language.

targeting_type string

The targeting type. Can either be include or exclude.

match_type string

Setting determining how the values are matched. Can be one of the following values: exact.

ruleset_countries object array

Countries are used to narrow down the targeting of your offers, campaigns, custom settings, etc.

country_id int

ID of the country.

targeting_type string

The targeting type. Can either be include or exclude.

match_type string

Setting determining how the values are matched. Can be one of the following values: exact.

ruleset_postal_codes object array

ZIP / Postal Codes are used to narrow down the targeting of your offers, campaigns, custom settings, etc.

postal_code string

Identifier of the ZIP / Postal Code. Spaces and case are ignored.

targeting_type string

The targeting type. Can either be include or exclude.

match_type string

Setting determining how the values are matched. Can be one of the following values: exact.

ruleset_regions object array

Regions are used to narrow down the targeting of your offers, campaigns, custom settings, etc.

region_id int

ID of the region.

targeting_type string

The targeting type. Can either be include or exclude.

match_type string

Setting determining how the values are matched. Can be one of the following values: exact.

ruleset_cities object array

Cities are used to narrow down the targeting of your offers, campaigns, custom settings, etc.

city_id int

ID of the city.

targeting_type string

The targeting type. Can either be include or exclude.

match_type string

Setting determining how the values are matched. Can be one of the following values: exact.

ruleset_dmas object array

DMAs are used to narrow down the targeting of your offers, campaigns, custom settings, etc.

dma_code int

DMA code.

targeting_type string

The targeting type. Can either be include or exclude.

match_type string

Setting determining how the values are matched. Can be one of the following values: exact.

ruleset_mobile_carriers object array

Mobile Carriers are used to narrow down the targeting of your offers, campaigns, custom settings, etc.

mobile_carrier_id int

ID of the mobile carrier.

targeting_type string

The targeting type. Can either be include or exclude.

match_type string

Setting determining how the values are matched. Can be one of the following values: exact.

ruleset_isps object array

ISPs are used to narrow down the targeting of your offers, campaigns, custom settings, etc.

isp_id int

ID of the ISP.

targeting_type string

The targeting type. Can either be include or exclude.

match_type string

Setting determining how the values are matched. Can be one of the following values: exact.

ruleset_connection_types object array

Connection types are used to narrow down the targeting of your offers, campaigns, custom settings, etc.

connection_type_id int

ID of the connection type.

targeting_type string

The targeting type. Can either be include or exclude.

match_type string

Setting determining how the values are matched. Can be one of the following values: exact.

ruleset_ips object array

IPs are used to narrow down the targeting of your offers, campaigns, custom settings, etc.

ip_from string

Lower bound of the IP address range.

ip_to string

Upper bound of the IP address range.

targeting_type string

The targeting type. Can either be include or exclude.

match_type string

Setting determining how the values are matched. Can be one of the following values: exact.

ruleset_is_block_proxy boolean

Whether or not traffic from well known proxy will be blocked.

traffic_filters string
ruleset_is_use_day_parting boolean

Whether day parting is enabled.

ruleset_day_parting_apply_to string

Setting determining the timezone the day parting is applied to. Can be one of the following values: user_timezone or selected_timezone. Only required if is_use_day_parting is true.

ruleset_day_parting_timezone_id int

ID of the day parting timezone. Only required if is_use_day_parting is true and if day_parting_apply_to has the value selected_timezone.

ruleset_days_parting object array

The day parting objects. Only required if is_use_day_parting is true.

day_of_week int

The day of the week the day parting applies to. Sunday corresponds to 0.

start_hour int

The hour of the beginning of the day parting range.

start_minute int

The minute of the beginning of the day parting range.

end_hour int

The hour of the end of the day parting range.

end_minute int

The minute of the end of the day parting range.

is_fail_traffic_enabled boolean

Whether the invalid clicks will be redirected to another offer.

redirect_internal_routing_type string

Redirect mechanism that determines how the fail traffic is distributed between listed offers. Can be one of the following values: priority, weight, priority_global or weight_global. Only relevant if is_fail_traffic_enabled is true.

email_is_enabled boolean

Whether approved Subject and From lines for emails are used.

email_subject_lines string

Approved Subject lines for emails. Only relevant if is_enabled is true.

email_from_lines string

Approved From lines for emails. Only relevant if is_enabled is true.

email_optout_is_enabled boolean

Whether the suppression file url and unsubscribe link for emails are used.

email_optout_suppression_file_link string

URL of the link to the suppression files.

email_optout_unsub_link string

URL of the link to unsubscribe.

ezepo_enabled boolean

Whether the ezepo integration is enabled for the offer.

optizmo_optoutlist_id string

ID of the Optizmo Optout List.


POST /v1/networks/export/offers

format string

Format of the export. Can be one of the following values: csv or json.

fields string array

Offer fields to be included in the file, from the following values:

network_offer_id, name, category, network_advertiser_id, network_offer_group_id, internal_notes, destination_url, server_side_url, is_view_through_enabled, view_through_destination_url, preview_url, offer_status, currency_id, project_id, date_live_until, is_using_explicit_terms_and_conditions, terms_and_conditions, is_caps_enabled, daily_conversion_cap, weekly_conversion_cap, monthly_conversion_cap, global_conversion_cap, daily_payout_cap, weekly_payout_cap, monthly_payout_cap, global_payout_cap, daily_revenue_cap, weekly_revenue_cap, monthly_revenue_cap, global_revenue_cap, daily_click_cap, weekly_click_cap, monthly_click_cap, global_click_cap, redirect_mode, is_must_approve_conversion, is_allow_duplicate_conversion, is_duplicate_filter_enabled, duplicate_filter_targeting_action, network_tracking_domain_id, is_use_secure_link, is_allow_deep_link, is_session_tracking_enabled, session_tracking_lifespan_hour, is_view_through_session_tracking_enabled, view_through_session_tracking_lifespan_minute, is_fail_traffic_enabled, redirect_routing_method, redirect_internal_routing_type, visibility, time_created, time_saved, conversion_method, is_whitelist_check_enabled, is_use_scrub_rate, scrub_rate_status, scrub_rate_percentage, session_definition, session_duration, app_identifier, entry_name, payout_type, payout_amount, payout_percentage, revenue_type, revenue_amount, revenue_percentage, network_advertiser_name, network_advertiser_account_manager, network_advertiser_sales_manager, suppression_file_url, unsubscribe_url, countries, network_tracking_domain_url, category_name, channels.

If omitted, will return all fields.

query object

The query containing the information to filter the data.

search_terms object array

Terms used to filter the data.

search_type string

Type of the terms of the search. Can be one of the following values: name or advertiser_name.

value string

Value of the term to filter by.

filters object

Filters to apply to the data.

network_category_ids int array

IDs of the categories to be included.

labels string array

Labels of the categories to be included.

network_affiliate_id int
affiliate_runnable_status string

Can be one of the following values: runnable, blocked or all.

network_advertiser_id int

ID of the offers’ advertiser.

network_offer_group_id int

ID of the offer group of the offers.

visibilities string array

Visibilities of the offers to be included in the file, from the following values: public, require_approval, private.

demand_partner_ids int array

IDs of the EverXchange partners of the offers.

account_manager_ids int array

IDs of the account managers of the advertisers of the offers.

revenue_types string array

Types of the revenue of the offers to be included in the file, from the following values: RPC, RPA, RPM, RPS, RPA_RPS.

payout_types string array

Types of the payout of the offers to be included in the file, from the following values: CPC, CPA, CPM, CPS, CPA_CPS, PRV.

platform_ids int array

IDs of the platforms targeted by the offers to be included in the file.

country_ids int array

IDs of the countries targeted by the offers to be included in the file.

business_unit_ids int array

IDs of the business units of the account managers of the advertisers of the offers.

offer_status string

Status of the offer to be included in the file. Can be one of the following values: active, paused, pending or deleted.

sales_manager_ids int array

IDs of the sale managers of the advertisers of the offers.

network_tracking_domain_ids int array

IDs of the tracking domains of the offers.

network_channel_ids int array

IDs of the channels of the offers.

is_24metrics_enabled string

Status of the 24Metrics integration for the offers. Can be either enabled or disabled.

is_forensiq_enabled string

Status of the Forensiq integration for the offers. Can be either enabled or disabled.

is_anura_enabled string

Status of the Anura integration for the offers. Can be either enabled or disabled.

is_ip_quality_score_enabled string

Status of the IPQualityScore integration for the offers. Can be either enabled or disabled.

is_ezepo_enabled string

Status of the Ezepo integration for the offers. Can be either enabled or disabled.

is_optizmo_enabled string

Status of the Optizmo integration for the offers. Can be either enabled or disabled.

is_scrubkit_enabled string

Status of the Scrubkit integration for the offers. Can be either enabled or disabled.

device_type_ids int array

IDs of the device types targeted by the offers to be included in the file.

network_affiliate_tier_ids int array

IDs of the affiliate tiers of the offers to be included in the file.

included_network_offer_ids int array

Specific IDs of offers to be included in the file.

excluded_network_offer_ids int array

Specific IDs of offers to be excluded from the file.

included_offer_ids_overrides_other_filters boolean

Whether the offers specified in included_network_offer_ids should be included regardless of the other filters.