
Operations for offer applications

Find All Applications

GET /v1/networks/applicationstable

This endpoint allows to fetch offer applications. Different filters can be used to narrow down the set of applications that will be returned by the endpoint. You can, for example, use the filters to only return the applications made on a specific offer ID.


This endpoint supports paging. Refer to our User Guide for usage.

search_terms object array

Search terms are optional but can be used to look for specific words.

search_type string

The name of the field used for search. On this endpoint, it can only ever be name. Searching by name will actually search the the offer ID as well as the offer name.

value string

The value to search.

filters object

Filters are also completely optional but are usually used to narrow down the set of applications returned. They can be used individually or combined in a single request.

network_affiliate_ids int array

One or multiple partner IDs for which the applications will be returned.

network_advertiser_ids int array

Only the applications made on offers from the specified advertiser IDs will be returned.

network_offer_group_ids int array

Only the applications made on offers that belong to the specified offer group IDs will be returned.

network_offer_ids int array

Only the applications made on offers from the specified IDs will be returned.

account_manager_ids int array

Only the applications from partners managed by the specified account manager ids will be returned.

application_status string

Only return applications with the specified status. Values can be : approved, pending or rejected

curl --request POST '' \
--header 'X-Eflow-API-Key: <INSERT API KEY>' \
--header 'Content-Type: application/json' \

Example 1 : Find all applications from partner IDs 1 and 2

        "network_affiliate_ids": [1, 2]

Example 2 : Find all pending applications on offers that have the work “Game” in their name

            "search_type": "name",
            "value": "Game"
        "application_status": "pending"
  "applications": [
      "network_application_id": 3,
      "network_id": 1,
      "network_affiliate_id": 7,
      "network_employee_id": 1,
      "network_offer_id": 117,
      "network_affiliate_user_id": 11,
      "application_status": "pending",
      "time_created": 1686330773,
      "time_saved": 1686330773,
      "relationship": {
        "affiliate": {
          "network_affiliate_id": 7,
          "network_id": 1,
          "name": "Example Affiliate Inc.",
          "account_status": "active"
        "offer": {
          "network_offer_id": 117,
          "network_id": 1,
          "name": "Game Offer Example",
          "offer_status": "active"
        "advertiser": {
          "network_advertiser_id": 52,
          "network_id": 1,
          "name": "Example Advertiser Inc.",
          "account_status": "active"
        "employee": {
          "network_employee_id": 1,
          "network_id": 1,
          "first_name": "John",
          "last_name": "Doe",
          "full_name": "John Doe",
          "account_status": "active"
  "paging": {
    "page": 1,
    "page_size": 50,
    "total_count": 1

Find All

GET /v1/networks/applications


This endpoint supports basic filtering. Refer to API filters page for usage.

Value Description
network_affiliate_id Filter based on the affiliate id
network_offer_id Filter based on the offer id
network_affiliate_user_id Filter based on the user id
application_status Filter based on the application status
time_created Filter based on the creation time
time_saved Filter based on the last update time

curl --request GET '' \
--header 'X-Eflow-API-Key: <INSERT API KEY>'
  "applications": [
      "application_status": "approved",
      "network_affiliate_id": 1,
      "network_affiliate_user_id": 7,
      "network_application_id": 22,
      "network_id": 5,
      "network_offer_id": 38,
      "relationship": {
        "advertiser": {
          "account_status": "active",
          "name": "Test Adv 12-19",
          "network_advertiser_id": 9,
          "network_id": 5
        "affiliate": {
          "account_executive_id": 39,
          "account_status": "active",
          "adress_id": 0,
          "default_currency_id": "USD",
          "enable_media_cost_tracking_links": true,
          "has_notifications": true,
          "internal_notes": "Fraud fraud fraud",
          "is_contact_address_enabled": false,
          "name": "Test Aff",
          "network_affiliate_id": 1,
          "network_employee_id": 101,
          "network_id": 5,
          "network_traffic_source_id": 39,
          "referrer_id": 90,
          "time_created": 1483607342,
          "time_saved": 1594850506
        "offer": {
          "currency_id": "USD",
          "name": "Offer 38",
          "network_advertiser_id": 9,
          "network_id": 5,
          "network_offer_group_id": 0,
          "network_offer_id": 38,
          "network_tracking_domain_id": 8,
          "offer_status": "paused",
          "visibility": "require_approval"
      "time_created": 1496178429,
      "time_saved": 1496182703


PATCH /v1/networks/networks/applications

patches object array

List of fields to patch. See here for the list of types and their corresponding values.

field_name string

Name of the field to patch. Use application_status to modify the status of the application and the offer visibility.

field_value string

Target value of the field to be patched. application_status target values are approved and rejected.

network_application_ids int array

List of the application ids you want to patch.

curl --request PATCH '' \
--header 'X-Eflow-API-Key: <INSERT API KEY>' \
--header 'Content-Type: application/json' \
  "network_application_ids": [
  "patches": [
      "field_name": "application_status",
      "field_value": "approved"
  "send_email": false